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Haram (forbidden) doodles by an #ExMuslimAtheist in solidarity with courageous #ExMuslims who leave Islam. 💚 TW. Share freely & tag @haramdoodles! 🤗

Mar 19, 2023, 6 tweets

Surah 4 Verse 56 from the Quran made me cry from fear as a Muslim kid and now makes me laugh as an ExMuslim adult.

Here is Q4:56 in #HaramDoodles:

“Indeed, those who disbelieve in our verses - we will drive them into a fire…”

Quran 4:56 “Every time their skins are roasted through…”

Quran 4:56: “We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment…”

Quran 4:56 “Indeed, Allah is ever exalted in might and wise.”

ExMuslims & NonMuslims in Hell:
“Allah is one sadistic f*ck!”

It’s gettin’ hot in here,
So take off all your clothes,
You are gettin so hot,
I’m gonna take your skins off.
- Allah, serenading us ExMuslims & NonMuslims in hell

Quran 4:56 in #HaramDoodles

Someone on Quora.com asked the purpose of this Quranic Surah 4 Verse 56… enjoy this Muslim’s response because apparently it’s ok to excuse the fear-mongering in Islam with mental gymnastics.

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