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Convenor @dreamtamilnadu / I Love #Tamil / I Love #Tamilnadu more / Believes in fellow human beings rather than god / Always Curious / Live the moment

Mar 20, 2023, 20 tweets

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Textile Park in Virudhunagar for Rs. 1800 Crores

1500 crores for MSME for NEEDS, TReDS and others

Trillion Dollar Vision : Rs. 100 Crores allocated for 2023 world investor conference to make

1.44 lacs crores investment to create 2.14 lac jobs to develop backward districts.

Ethanol policy to be constituted to attract investments to the tune of Rs. 5,000 crores. This will provide benefits for sugarcane farmers

Rs. 410 crore planned for New sipcot in virudhunagar, vellore, kallakurichi, coimbatore

TNTech City in Hosur... this can become a game changer. I have spoken and written about this many times

Neo TIDEL parks in 7 districts. Erode, Chengalpattu and Tirunelveli

Budget Deficit reduced from 62,000 crores to 30,000 crores

Less know fact... Help for Srilankan Tamils to the tune of Rs. 197 crores

Another 223 crores for Srilankan Tamils living in TN

Massive hospitals for Rs. 1020 crores

7000 Crores for new govt school infra.

Higher Education gets upgraded with 2,877 crore investment.

This is too good for IAS aspirants from poor / rural background.

500 crore for school kids breakfast scheme.

Special focus for growing and supporting entrepreneurship among women

Wildlife sanctuary in Erode 80,567 hectares in the name of #Periyar ... #mass #massive

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