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Mar 20, 2023, 5 tweets

1/ This week three years ago.
#AlexSalmond not guilty, having suffered public defamation and character assassination. The people who plotted against him did not care if the stress of false accusations had killed him or if he had ended his days in prison.

2/ Nicola Sturgeon claimed she never cast doubt on the verdict of the jury yet used every and any opportunity to infer that they had somehow got it wrong – doing so even during a Covid briefing.

3/ But things began to unravel for Sturgeon, Murrell and the conspirators. David Davis MP, used parliamentary privilege to reveal information that a whistleblower had sent him ⬇️

4/ David Davis continued – naming names in the process:

5/5 A shrill Sturgeon, backed by her coterie of adoring media luvvies and celebs, continued to insist that instead of listening to David Davis we should be listening to ‘the women’, who had been choreographed by Ruddick, Murrell and others – and none of whom the jury believed.

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