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Mar 20, 2023, 9 tweets


A 24yr Lady in Ruaka has been drinking since Friday, she wants to slit her wrists & end her life

Told her to go @HospitalMathari but She has no @nhifkenya cover or money

Sexually assaulted at work by boss

Her family blocked her

@KenyaRedCross SEE DM

Do we have a suicide rescue in Kenya @KenyaRedCross @NPSOfficial_KE @DCI_Kenya @daktari1 @ChiromoHospGrp @MOH_Kenya @Nakhumicha_S @WHOKenya @SakajaJohnson @FirstLadyKenya

I have seen so many deaths in my life I can’t do this anymore

Red Cross you’ve the number DO SOMETHING

@Amref_Kenya this number goes to a personal line ?
No link on the website on suicide

@daktari1 I have flagged this a couple of times

We need functional SUICIDE hotline

HOW many suicides will bring dialogue ??
@ICTAuthorityKE @EliudOwalo @MoICTKenya

@NPSOfficial_KE I have sent a number of a SUICIDAL lady in your DM. and also flagged @KenyaRedCross

I cannot have this death on my watch

@MutuaAbel got a call from a fan who he tried to call Police to help body was found in ngong

@DCI_Kenya triangulate the number HELP

Aboard @Boltapp_ke cab 🚕 using the Nairobi Expressway
@mojaexpressway we need to have a conversation of how the express has eased EMERGENCY 🚨 response

Off to rescue 🛟 suicidal young lady in Ruaka thanks to a wellwisher in my DM

Then we admit her @HospitalMathari

20 mins from Athi River Mlolongo to Westlands using @mojaexpressway aboard @Boltapp_ke my cabbie the day @DavidNzosh advised we use Red Hill bypass to @VillageMarket to Ruaka pick the lady then head to @HospitalMathari

Nairobi Expressway during emergencies is a game changer

Nw @HospitalMathari admission staff got stuck in the #Maandamano melee since @Ma3Route transport was paralyzed

Lady is now in good hands 🙌
@DrMercyKaranja has guided us

@nhifkenya we need MORE mental cover ADVOCACY

Dr @CKyobutungi Thanks for reaching out to help

At last the patient has been admitted

@nhifkenya covers the WHOLE treatment PLEASE sign up

@HospitalMathari is the CHEAPEST opening a file is 200shs

Gov @SakajaJohnson chanua mayouth Mathare Hospital isn’t a death sentence

Lakini @nhifkenya Niko na Swali

Jana we rescued a suicidal 24yr old took her to @HospitalMathari

WHY isn’t there PUBLIC info that with NHIF you can access treatment at Mathari?

How many more youths will DIE by suicide ?

Only time I see NHIF trending is negative stories?

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