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Mar 20, 2023, 9 tweets

Attention UI/UX designers. Here's a ChatGPT Cheatsheet you can use to improve your productivity.

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#uiuxdesigntips #uiuxdesign

1. Negotiating with Clients

Write a proposal to a client who wants me to do a UI/UX design for an e-commerce app that sells shoes.

2. UX Interview Questions

Prompt: Generate user interview questions for an e-commerce app that sells shoes

3. User Personas

Prompt: Generate a user person in a tabular format for an e-commerce app that sells shoes.

4. User Flows

Prompt: Create a user flow for an e-commerce app that sells unisex shoes. Arrange data in a table.

5. Colours

Prompt: Suggest a primary, secondary, and tertiary colour for an e-commerce app. Represent in a table.

6. Checklist for UI designs

Prompt: Create a checklist for UI elements for a product checkout screen.

7. Design System

Prompt: Write a design system documentation for a Button. Represent data in a table showing the various states of this button like default, Active, hover, Clicked, and disabled. describe these states with a design token (colour, font)

8. ChatGPT as a UX writer

Prompt: As a UX writer generate 10 versions of Success messages for an e-commerce app that sells shoes

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