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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Mar 20, 2023, 24 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 3.20 Defending an evil friend

CCTV uses Kremlin footage to put on a top gun show of awesome military prowess. Russia continues to punish, pound and destroy Ukraine, even as Putin and Xi meet in Moscow, posturing as peace-makers.

CCTV, loyal scribe to Kremlin, always offers a Moscow angle on developments in Ukraine. The Russian military, even when engaged in wanton killing, is always portrayed in a bright, positive light.

Who knows where the rockets land? Who cares?
CCTV expresses no interest in this vital question.

Instead it runs the news like a pro-Putin video game, showing Russia blasting away.

In keeping with its self-image as fair and balanced, CCTV does endeavor to provide at least one counter shot per day of the hapless, hopeless Ukraine trying to defend itself.

Of course the real big news of the day is Sino-Russia relations...
-Xi commences state visit to Russian Federation
-Xi Jinping's signed article (love letter to Russia)
-Vladimir Putin's signed article (love letter to China)

Xi on China-Russia friendship and cooperation:
"Our two peoples have stood by and rooted for each other in the fight against COVID which once again proves that a friend in need is a friend indeed"
Xi on unspecified common foe:
"Damaging acts of hegemony, domination and bullying"

Next a really special friendship program featuring "Ancient Allusions liked by Xi Jinping" was aired in Russia to widespread acclaim.

It powerfully links the two ancient cultures...

What a wonderful way to say, "Hello my forever friend!"

It's got Xi Jinping's corny taste and ghost-written vibes all over it.
-The People's Daily is touting Xi's incisive vision of a common human destiny for mankind.

Seymour Hersh is the hot ticket item in the foreign news today. CCTV has snagged yet another interview in which Hersh expounds on various conspiracy theories from the comfort of his Stratolounger recliner chair in DC.


Hersh instructs the global audience on the finer points of TNT, C4 and other powerful pipe-severing technologies.

The White House has no comment but Hersh more than makes up for Biden's loss of words.

And the real tragedy is, Europe no longer has an easy means to prop up Putin's war effort through the purchase of Russian gas.

Footage from a Russia cockpit showing a killer missile attack in action.

US attack on Iraq 20 years ago is remembered like it was yesterday, using language that echoes current complaints about NATO.

But alas, the US banking system is tanking...
CCTV is so concerned about that, they offer half a dozen views of a "First Republic" signboard. (two best angles provided here)
-Credit Suisse, too.
-Graphic illustrating downgrade of "First Republic"

The news closes with scenes from Florida's iconic Miami Beach.

Spring break

Palm trees can be seen in semi-tropical Miami

And that's it for today, folks!
Zai jian!

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