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Brothers, Sisters, We STILL Don't Need this Fascist Groove Thing! Citizen journalist. No More Heroes. Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Mar 20, 2023, 31 tweets

Imagine "white" only art. No Black, LGBTQ, Hispanic, or Jewish artists or musicians...No Coltrane, Dylan, Bob Marley, Hendrix, Public Enemy, Judas Priest, etc. This sad refrain was sung by @161partisan, @utah161, w/ backing vocals by @LateNightAFA, & the Anonymous Comrades Choir.

Let's all slow clap for White Art Collective founder & Benjamin Arvin aka "Jeff Winston" & "HuWhiteLion" from Bloomington, Indiana. His failed grab for the brass ring of both rock stardom & film auteur status led to a dark turn to white nationalism & Nazism. @UTRresearch 1/63

42-year-old Benjamin Joseph Arvin aka "Jeff Winston" and "HuWhiteLion" of Bloomington, Indiana has gone to great lengths to conceal his identity. #HUWhiteLionUTR @UTRresearch @indyhatewatch
@INMutualAid @IndianaAntifa 2/63

Ben Arvin aka Jeff Winston heads up the White Art Collective. Their 2018 founding statement described them as "a collection of Alt-Right, Hard-Right and Pro-White artists whose mission is to preserve, promote, celebrate and expand upon our shared European culture." 3/63

More recently, they have disingenuously tried to soften their image, merely referring to themselves as "a community of artists of European descent." But as we are about to show, they have deep ties to neo-Nazism & white nationalism. 4/63

What is the White Art Collective?
Imagine an Island of Misfit Toys open mic night populated solely by embittered, racist, artistic wannabes & has-beens who have convinced themselves that their collective lack of success is surely due to anti-white bias & a Jewish conspiracy. 5/63

The White Art Collective posture that they are the vanguard of some sort of white artistic renaissance. In a particularly audacious conceit, Ben Arvin aka Jeff Winston uses an image of Bach as his avatar.
You sir, are no Johan Sebastian Bach. 6/63

Ben Arvin studied telecommunications at Indiana University. In 2007, he moved to Austin, TX seeking stardom in the thriving music scene there. Things clearly went awry there and Ben Arvin began to show indicators of his final form as a total racist weirdo! 7/63

In 2010, a long-haired Ben Arvin tried his hand at motivational speaking with a series of bizarre proto-fascist YouTube videos promoting his self-published manifesto "Navigating the Abyss of Modern American Culture." 8/63

Ben Arvin's videos explain how a "combination of cultural forces" began to "break" him down during a ten year period of "alienation" and "confusion." This lead to his revelatory conclusion that "problems within our culture have allowed for the breakdown of our communities." 9/63

Ben Arvin's "Navigating the Abyss" videos are certainly odd. He mugs for the camera whilst describing his "solution" in the form of a "blueprint" with a list of "values, priorities, principles, and guidelines."
Oh, and you should also eat more fiber. 10/63

There is emphasis on "individual sovereignty" & echoes of recruitment pitches from self-improvement cults like EST, Scientology, & NXIVM. But Ben Arvin's emphasis on the degradation of culture & society is a harbinger of the fascist path he was on. 11/63

Failed musician and cult leader Ben Arvin moved back to Indiana to try his luck as a movie mogul. In 2016 he directed a self-financed horror film entitled"Hills and Hollers."

The promotional twitter account for the movie gave strong indications as to director Ben Arvin's evolving mindset. Note the emphasiis on being "Pro-Middle American, Pro-European American, Anti-Hollywood" 13/63

A local news article covered the release of the film and offers a glimpse into his grandiose ambitions as he describes how his "Arvin Innovations" production company doubles as a "think tank."… 14/63

Within months of the film's disappointing reception, the official Twitter had ceased hyping the movie and was instead retweeting Alex Jones and following Richard Spencer, Baked Alaska, VDare, Millennial Woes, Kevin McDonald and dozens of other Nazi and Alt-Right accounts. 15/63

The film was yet another in a series of creative failures for Ben Arvin. Since nobody wanted to see his crappy, racist, horror movie, he jumped fully into the then-burgeoning Alt-RIght white nationalist movement 16/63

In a January 2021 interview with neo-Nazi website Counter-Currents, Ben Arvin aka Jeff Winston explains his 2016 "redpilling" and radicalization, describing how YouTube recommendations led him from Milo, Gavin McInnes, & Sargon to the Daily Stormer & Chris Cantwell. 17/63

Again we see signs of Ben Arvin's weird messianical tendencies and ambitions as he describes himself as always having been "searching, trying to form my own organization." 18/63

Ben Arvin aka Jeff Winston says he knew things were "going in the wrong direction" but only recognized what he calls the "racial element' and the "JQ" (Jewish question) after delving deeper into the racist web of VDare, Amren, Counter Currents etc. 19/63

This lead him to becoming involved with "organizations," singling out by name the now defunct neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa. Ben Arvin also throws his late father under the proverbial bus as the source of his racism. Interview clip here: 20/63

As Ben Arvin descended deeper into Nazi ideology, we get a glimpse of his capacity for actual violence. In July 2017, he was arrested in Indiana for "battery resulting in bodily injury."
A prior arrest in 2004 for "public nudity" confirms suspicions that he is a creep. 👀 21/63

In August 2017, white nationalists from around the country gathered for the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Benjamin Arvin was a key player in the day's violence, carrying the flag of violent neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa. #HUWhiteLionUTR @UTRresearch 22/63

Here we see Indiana resident Benjamin Arvin at the August 11th neo-Nazi torch rally in Charlottesville, VA as part of the mob who chanted "Jews will not replace us" and terrorized and attacked local citizens. #HUWhiteLionUTR @UTRresearch 23/63

Despite his legal problems in Indiana, Ben Arvin aka Jeff Winston committed multiple acts of violence that day, clashing with police and counterprotestors. He was also at the site of a brutal racist gang beating that led to multiple criminal convictions and jail sentences. 24/63

The Unite the Right rally was a disaster for the Alt-Right and, in the aftermath, many left the movement or went into hiding. Ben Arvin aka Jeff Winston instead doubled down and returned to Charlottesville on October 7, 2017 in another attempt to terrorize the community. 25/63

Ben Arvin can be seen on the bus with Richard Spencer and other "movement" leaders singing "Dixie" w. *CRINGE*
He also attended the evening torch rally.
Literally NOBODY showed up for this folly, but Ben Arvin made the trip all the way from Indiana! 26/63

Ben Arvin next attempted to make a mark with a few short-lived podcasts including "Beard 'Merica" 7 "Inside the Activist's Studio and a HuWhiteLion website. His podcast co-host "Man with the Hand" (real name Brandon Troutman of VA) will also be featured very soon. 27/63

The only surviving fragment of these is an archived October 2017 xml feed. An antisemitic blog treatise on "courtship" included a link to an "Invite-only Alt-Right Dance."… 28/63

"In order for our people to survive and thrive, we have to intentionally create an environment that cultivates the healthy courting, coupling and romantic love of our people." This is some Corny Ass Nazi Shit. 29/63

In the same 2017 blog post, Ben Arvin described himself as a "musician, DJ, experienced event organizer and newly full-time Alt-Right Activist (post Charlottesville depantsing.)" This seems a good time to remind the reader of his prior arrest for "Public Nudity." 30/63

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