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Mar 20, 2023, 25 tweets

THREAD: Proof That George Soros Has Helped Create World Peace.

Soros was born in 1930, making him nine when the war broke out and 15 when it ended. There’s no evidence that he played any role in the atrocities of the Nazi regime in World War II.

🚨click the ALT button on the photos in this THREAD for citations and links🚨

The truth, Tivadar Soros had his son George assume a non-Jewish identity “Sandor Kiss” and pose as the godson of a Hungarian agriculture ministry bureaucrat named Baumbach, his job was taking inventory of Jewish properties confiscated by the Nazi occupiers…

We can't say George Soros was embracing the Nazi cause, and it’s difficult to argue that cooperating with taking inventory once in order to maintain a non-Jewish disguise constitutes an unforgivable sin while sitting in a country that ran Operation Paperclip to win the Space Race

For what it’s worth, Soros did make his role sound more active in a 1998 interview with Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes Kroft: “My understanding is that you went . . . went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews. Soros: “Yes, that’s right. Yes.”

It is worth noting that anytime a major media company attempts to express concerns over Soros's connections to many important organizations that affect the world, they are met with complaints from the ADL of antisemitism, which requires the media to remove the content.

This piece from the New York Post explains how labels of antisemitism are branded on anyone that criticizes George Soros and how recent critics of his DA campaigns were treated.

They also noted the same was done with Obama being black and the racist labels his critics received

If I were to say that most of the best players in the NBA are black, how can you gain an antisemitic label when you criticize a Jewish man's actions? The only people who even mention that the person under scrutiny is Jewish are those who label you antisemitic. Isn't that racist?

We must judge individuals by the content of their character, anything more than that is barbaric and disgusting. George Sors has an extensive history in social engineering, from creating Antifa to transforming BLM.

This THREAD goes into detail:

I defended Soros at the start,

The Media Research Center listed connections between George Soros and 54 prominent media figures. As documented by its authors, Joseph Vazquez and Dan Schneider, these include reporters, anchors, columnists, editors, news executives and journalists

During the Brett Kavanaugh hearings in 2018, the Soros-funded ThinkProgress called reports that Soros was paying people to protest against President Donald Trump an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theory" While Soros was spending $5 million on the effort to thwart the nomination.

Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyer, Debra Katz who was vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, which has been directly funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

For more info on Open Society, see the 9th Tweet in THREAD…

Funding his media empire in the Trump era from 2016 to 2020, Soros paid at least $131 million to influence at least 253 journalism and activist media groups to promote far-left views on abortion, economics, the police, environmentalism, LGBT ideology, and anti-Americanism.

On January 22, 2023, the New York Post documented that George Soros spent $40M getting DAs who were exclusively liberal elected around the U.S. This list also includes Manhattan's DA Alvin Bragg, the man who is indicting Trump over Stormy Daniels.

Do you see who they prosecute?

Outside of his control in the United States, Soros also has an extensive international history of social engineering, including his role as an Agenda Contributor at the World Economic Forum (WEF) whose founder Klaus Schwab has praised China's President Xi Jinping countless times.

It is concerning that George Soros is linked to this many monumental organizations especially when you consider that on February 8, 2018, The Daily Telegraph released a front page article labeling George Soros as the man who broke the bank of England for funding anti Brexit orgs

Why would George Soros play an active role in destroying economies and communities? We can't truly confirm it, but it is worth noting that he is an avid supporter of "The Great Reset", and a reset that Agenda 2030 requires an economic reset as well as a social one.

John Kerry:

Reports of Soros being banned in 6 countries appear to be unverifiable, and I would go so far as to say untrue. What is true is that several of Soros's organizations have been banned in multiple countries for accusations ranging from security, extortion, fraud, and terrorism.

Soros has been blamed for the financial collapse of 15 countries, including Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, and Russia. India has been expressing strong protest against George Soros's recent comments on Narendra Modi, they also covered his past that our media doesn't

George Soros is a brilliant master of deception, so Republicans should be skeptical when he is publicly advocating for conservatives like Ron Desantis, it could be a ploy to create division. Desantis removed one of Soros-funded DAs on April 4, 2022, for not enforcing state law.

On Oct 26, 2018, Japan Times wrote a report that expressed how Soros was linked to the accusations against Trump and described his tactics as a "Manhunt." Soros even recruited Rob Reiner to assist in the Russia collusion conspiracy.

Although George Soros is Hungarian, on November 18, 2020, Hungary's Oban stated that: "George Soros is the most corrupt man in the world." He also made note of how Soros labels his enemies as corrupt while hiding his own.…

On May 8, 2021 Soros-funded CPAC awarded Alvin Bragg over $1 million. Bragg was involved in numerous investigations into Trump and his family before being sworn in 2020. He even bragged he had sued Trump 'more than 100 times' while serving in the NY Attorney Genera's Office

George Soros is currently 92 years old, his work speaks for itself, and it appears he is preparing for his son, Alex Soros, to pick up where he will leave off, similar to Gates Sr. and Bill Gates. We can only hope that Alex doesn't follow Bill Gates and become his father.

I hope you enjoyed this THREAD, as you know, everything from my marketing, researching, and writing is done independently, if you would like to donate the link will be below.

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Thank you for everything❤️…

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