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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Mar 21, 2023, 29 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 3.21 The Xi show in Moscow

-Anchor's away...CCTV's Kang Hui reports from airport!

President Xi's special plane arrived at the Moscow Vnukovo Airport around 13:00 local time.

The Chairman arrives
The Chairman is awaited
The Chairman appears
The Chairman descends

"Chairman Xi was warmly greeted by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko and other senior Russian officials by the ramp."

-Cai Qi and Wang Yi follow a few minutes later

"The Russian side held a grand welcome ceremony at the airport."

Chairman Xi Jinping delivered an arrival statement, extending warm greetings and best wishes to the Russian government and people on behalf of the Chinese government and people.

President Xi Jinping stressed that "China and Russia are friendly neighbors connected by shared mountains and rivers."

"Our two countries have consolidated and grown the bilateral relationship on the basis of no-alliance, no-confrontation and not targeting any third party, and set a fine example for developing a new model of major-country relations."

"The visit will produce fruitful results, and inject fresh impetus into the sound and steady growth of China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era."

"China will work with Russia to uphold true multilateralism, promote a multi-polar world and greater democracy in international relations, and help make global governance more just and equitable."

China believes that the more difficulties there are, the greater the need to keep space for peace. The more acute the problem is, the more important it is not to give up efforts for dialogue.

China is firm in keeping to the general direction of strengthening strategic coordination with Russia, Xi said, adding that both China and Russia are committed to realizing national development and rejuvenation, support world multi-polarity and work for greater democracy...

Xi stressed that, on the Ukraine issue, voices for peace and rationality are building. Most countries support easing tensions, stand for peace talks, and are against adding fuel to the fire.

Putin said that Russia appreciates China for consistently upholding an impartial, objective, and balanced position and standing for fairness and justice on major international issues.

Putin sees Xi to his limousine and waves goodbye

@threadreaderapp “unroll”

Li Qiang is the most powerful man in China when Xi is away. He plays the titular role well, pointing at things, thinking deeply for the camera at this museum exhibit.

China can't get enough of its own magnificent revolutionary history

Meanwhile, Xi Jinping's personally penned People's Daily message to Russia is met with wide acclaim and heartfelt appreciation.
A prominent Russian editor says so.

Yes! Xi's message, which touched on his ten years of accomplishment, was truly amazing, says a Russian businesswoman

In other news, Germany can't stop talking about Nord Stream (neither can CCTV)

Expert commentators around the world spoke to CCTV about how obvious the US sabotage is.

But no one on TV is talking about how obvious Russia's invasion and laying waste to Ukraine has been for over a year now.

Instead, CCTV just shows pretty pictures of Russian pyrotechnics, while completely ignoring the killing fields and massacres.

Russian footage on CCTV during Xi-Putin peace meet.

Ukraine fights back with help from US and NATO.
"US can't accept any challenge to its hegemony."

But the US is showing signs of crumbling from within

With the contagion spreading to Europe

Before closing, a quick round up of US news.

And that's the end of our program!

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