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Mar 22, 2023, 24 tweets

Prime Minister Modi has led the country through a number of changes in the past few years. With this thread we attempt to document the magnitude of change that has occurred through #TheModiWay

'The Modi Way' - A Thread 🧵

India Inc's business confidence was at its lowest in 2013 and at its highest in 2021...

#TheModiWay has made a difference!

From the slowest growth in a decade to the fastest growth in the world, the Indian economy has come a long way.

A decade earlier, it grew the slowest of all the major economies, while by 2023, it is the best performing....We call this #TheModiWay!

Under PM Modi, India is leading the world in innovation!

In 2014, India slipped 10 places in the Global Innovation Index but it jumped 6 spots and entered the top 40 for the first time in 2022!

#TheModiWay makes a huge difference!

We've gone from being defence importers to defence exporters!

A 70% share of defence equipment was imported in 2013. Come 2023, India's defence exports rose to over Rs. 13,000 crores!

Undeniably, #TheModiWay has worked!

There have been several steps taken by India to curb the negative effects of climate change and to increase climate consciousness.

In 2010, most Indians were unaware of climate change, but by 2022, they will be among the top 5 countries in the world when it comes to dealing with……

Internet penetration in India has increased dramatically!

As of 2023, India will have the second-highest number of internet users after China, up from less than 10% in 2010.

The #ModiWay is here!

In 2013: India had the worst external vulnerability indicators among the BRIC nations.

In 2022: India's external vulnerability indicators demonstrate resilience!

The difference powered by the #TheModiWay is clear!

There has been a shift in perceptions of India among institutional investors!

From being least favoured among the BRIC nations in 2013, India is now considered the best investment alternative to China, in terms of economic opprtunities.

#TheModiWay is clearly working!

Terror now receives a befitting response from India.

Terrorist attacks surged in 2012, and India was among the nations most affected. In 2023, India significantly increased its efforts to detect and disrupt terror groups.

#TheModiWay is paving the way for a fierce New India!

Women entrepreneurs are on the rise in India!

Indian women's representation on Indian Boards has tripled in 10 years since 2013, when the nation was among the worst performers in women entrepreneurship.

Women's empowerment #TheModiWay...

Increasing access to toilets for all!

54% of rural Indians had no toilets 66 years after independence, but in 2019, open defecation was declared a thing of the past.

Ensuring dignity for all #TheModiWay...

India's telecom sector is being transformed #TheModiWay...

The adoption of 3G technology in India was lowest in 2012, but by 2023, the adoption of 5G technology will be twice as high as that in the UK and the USA!

The difference is evident...

India's service sector is undergoing a transformation.

In 2013, India's service sector was the worst whereas in 2023, services sector activity was at a 12-year high!

This is #TheModiWay

Changing the face of healthcare in India!

India ranked last among peers and neighbours in 2013 in the healthcare hall of shame. 2023 marks the beginning of a new era in healthcare in India!

Such is #TheModiWay

A dramatic development is taking place in the Northeast!

India's Northeast was deemed the most neglected region in 2014, but by 2023, it has made great strides towards greater holistic development.

#TheModiWay is transforming the Northeast!

Honouring the heroes of India!

A funeral in 2013 was marred by a major goof up due to missing Field Marshal rank. In contrast, PM Modi personally received CDS Bipin Rawat's mortal remains in 2021.

Do you see the difference in #TheModiWay?

Redefining the job story in India!

In 2013, India's job market ranked among the weakest in the world. Compared to 2022, India's Oct-Dec job market outlook was deemed the second-best globally!

Do you see the difference in #TheModiWay?

Plugging leaks through Direct Benefit Transfer!

The leakage of CSS funds was investigated by panels in 2012. The introduction of DBT in 2015 changed the game for India.

#TheModiWay brought a noticeable difference!

Then: The ITBP was affected by the delay in arms supplies from ordnance factories.

Now: 6 out 7 new defence companies carved out of the Ordnance Factory Board reported profits in the first 6 months!

#TheModiWay has made a difference!

A change in attitude by the government toward VIP culture!

In 2013, perks encouraged a brazen VIP culture in India, but PM Modi pushed this culture out in 2017, saying 'every person is important'.

#TheModiWay sets itself apart!

Changing the face of Indian aviation!

In 2012, India's domestic aviation sector was globally the worst performer. As the sector soars in 2023, the sky is the limit!

Do you see how #TheModiWay has worked?

It is time to arm India's security forces!

The lack of funds in 2014 prevented major deals from being completed. In 2022, the Indian Army is future ready with AI-based equipment.

#TheModiWay makes a big difference!

The FATF report revealed the truth about Padma Bhushan awards sold during the Congress era. PM Modi called for nominating inspiring individuals for the prestigious Padma awards.

Quite different is the #TheModiWay, isn't it?

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