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Mar 22, 2023, 7 tweets

📢 UNVEILED: The ‘Renters Deserve Better’ gallery.

Every photo, story and word here is real – sent in from one of England’s 10 million renters. Today, we delivered it to Westminster to show the government why we deserve better than this broken, unfair system.

The new Housing Minister @redditchrachel has picked an urgent brief in government – to give renters the security and rights we deserve, delivered through the long-awaited #RentersReformBill.

The Bill must be top priority - and this gallery is proof.

Renters have been failed for too long. Now, the Minister has the power to change renters’ lives for the better. That’s why we’re at her offices at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).

Amelia explains more 👇

This gallery represents every one of us who has been preyed on by a rogue landlord. Every person living in unsafe conditions, too scared to complain for fear of eviction. Every family facing rejection from renting a home because they are in receipt of benefits.

This Bill can improve our living conditions, help stamp out discrimination, and give us security in our homes. We’ve waited far too long for it – over 1,300 days, in fact.

Thank you to every single person who helped make this exhibition, exposing the injustices renters face everyday 👊

It's been nearly 4 years since the government promised to bring about the #RentersReformBill. We can’t wait any longer. Help us tell the government they must act now.

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