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Pointless , but not hopeless

Mar 22, 2023, 20 tweets

High Priests of War

The Council on Foreign Relations, Mossad and the KGB had a complicated history of Alliances and Rivalries throughout the Past, but always found a common ground in shaping the World towards a Global Society

A One World Government


The Year 1666
Sabbatai Zevi in 1666 declared himself the new Jewish Messiah and formed the Sabbatean Movement which main Purpose was to break Gods commandments and to extract Gods Spark from Humanity

The Holiness of Sin
After Zvi died, Jacob Frank took over the role of the new Messiah and his sect the Frankists would soon prelude the network that set the Ground for the most notorious Banking Family in History

The Rothschild Dynasty

Dope Inc
After Rothschild and Sassoon took over The East India trading Company. Sabbateanism gained massiv Influence on a Worldwide scale expanding a Net of Agents involved in every Major infrastructure crucial for Trade on the planet

The Creature of Jekyll Island

These Networks in the Northern American Hemisphere, included Families like Schiff, Rockefeller and Warburg, and by 1913 together they created one of the Most powerful Banks in History
The Federal Reserve

Skull and Bones

With the newly established Financial system based on debt it was easy to direct US Policy and to abuse it for personal Gain, by buliding up Enemies of the US. and profit from artificial Conflicts they created.

Israels secret Vatican
Chabad Lubavitch was the Messianic Cult that together with Adolf Hitler set up the Havaara Agreement in 1933 and created the pretext for the Zionist occupation in Palestine

The Soviet Union
while allied to the Nazis in the 1930s recruited British and Jewish Communist in Fascist Europe
and build the Basis for later Cooperation between Mossad/KGB in Palestine

Victor Rothschild

and the Cambridge 5 supported through misinformation and funding of Terror Groups the Zionist cause in Palestine
and by 1948 Stalin helped organize the Baltic States to vote for an Independent Israel

Terror Brigades
The Soviet-funded Irgun and Lehi, who had prominent Members like Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, and Yitzhak Shamir , -- became the Herut Party, a Powerhouse in the Israeli Knesset,

Round Table in Jerusalem

The Council on Foreign Relations originating from the Cambridge/ Rothschild connection became together with AIPAC Israels biggest advocate in the US often on behalf of US foreign policy

Mao s Jews
Rittenberg supported Mao Tse Tung s cause in the early 1940s and Israel would become the first Country to recognize Communist China as a Sovereign State, and by 1971 the CFR helped building up communist China

Samson Option

After John F. Kennedy --who strongly opposed Israels Nuclear Ambition, got murdered.
Dimona in Negev would go on to produce one of the biggest Nuclear arsenals in the World

The Best Enemy Money can Buy
By building the Kama river Plant and the Road the Soviets needed for Invasion in the Middle East, Wallstreet paved the way for one of the biggest conflicts in the Cold War
The War in Afghanistan

Perestroika Deception

1,5 million Immigrates from the former USSR, changed the political climate in Israel for the worst
and KGB gained significant Influence in High Tech, Military, organized Crime, and most important Politics

Vladimir Putin
in St Petersburg, he played an official role as mayor but, behind the scenes, Putin operated as newly appointed Case Officer. ’Businessmen he worked with during the Perestroika were not partners but targets


Red Mafiya
archive.org/details/TheJud… after the perestroika, old KGB structures newly organized in Crime syndicates, with dual Citizenship to Russia and Israel, expanded their influence to a Worldwide scale wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/0…

September 11 /2001
Ariel Sharon alias the Butcher from Beirut had a strong Grip on George W Bush and the Yale connection and used it to influenced the US for the invasion of Iraq on behalf of Israeli defense.

The High Priests of War
we must declare war on the High Priests of War to secure a better Future for ourselves and not get driven in endless conflicts by a Boodthirsty sect that tries to destroy us

Thread End 🧵19/19

Thanx for reading

Dont let it happen again

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