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@NBCNews Justice reporter. 📚Author of SEDITION HUNTERS, one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 https://t.co/of2wEZEgyy SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62 🚲

Mar 22, 2023, 7 tweets

Think this is the best footage we’ve seen from the other side of the violent breach of the upper west terrace tunnel. Refresh my memory, ⁦@shipwreckedcrew⁩, did this come out at #TunnelCommander’s trial?

From here:

Here’s how that looked from the other side:


David Mehaffie ended up with only 14 months, which he received because he had a competent lawyer and also Judge McFadden. justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/ohi…

v. polite!

chivalry isn’t dead.

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