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20↑ || 🔞 || Do not re-upload my edits || Throughout Heaven & Earth, I alone am The Delusional One || 🌸 PFP: @waku_wan_ 💖

Mar 23, 2023, 6 tweets

#Trigun #TrigunStampede #VashTheStampede #MillionsKnives

I feel like Nai loving Rem can be true. He must’ve loved her with all that he’s shown. However, after that incident with their sister, everything changed. Rem knew about their sister and kept it secret. +

He even tested her by mentioning the geraniums are in the same plant room as his sister to see her reaction.

How long would it take before she or someone would take him or Vash? He can’t hope for humanity when they’ve already proven to be untrustworthy, deceptive and monstrous.

Nai could no longer trust anyone, even Rem at this point - the person he thought he could be safe with. He’s scared and confused and trying to figure out a way to save himself and his brainwashed brother. They’re still children, at 1 year old, at this point.

Maybe Nai had conflicting emotions on Rem. Maybe he was okay with her coming since she raised them, gave them love, Vash loves her very much and they can show her power around her. He did ask Rem to come with them, and it’s not like there wasn’t an extra two seats in their ship.

However, I can also see Nai at this point having lost close to all attachment to Rem (or trying to ignore it, to focus on saving Vash). Rem coming along means her not having enough time to save all the other humans, then she could’ve been kept alive or been dealt with on earth. +

Also, we’re not seen Nai’s reaction to Rem staying behind. Only Vash’s. In episode 12, we could be revealed Nai’s expression of anger and/or shock to her goodbye, indicating the worst of what Nai didn’t want her to do. Also, it’d explain his looks of anger afterwards.

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