Leonard Ithau Profile picture
I am Leo. Here I am

Mar 23, 2023, 9 tweets

After a long dry spell, the rains are finally here. When I started farming, the first thing I did was build a water storage pond to help manage the long and unpredictable periods of droughts.

Here is my step-by-step guide on how build a pond:

#1. Identify the location
Pick a spot at the highest elevation. It should not be a place that easily floods, has a good source of water during the rains and is away from trees or other structures that could drop debris into the pond.
#Buildingapond #ponds #waterstorage

#2. Plan the pond size and shape
This should be based on your water needs. How much water do you need to do your farming activities all year round especially during dry spells? How much space do you have to accommodate a pond? #Buildingapond

#3. Clear and level the site
Remove vegetation, rocks, and other debris. If necessary, you can use heavy equipment like a backhoe or bulldozer. In my case, we hired a group of workers who worked on the area for 5 days.

#4. Excavate
Dig out the pond and include a shallow area to increase the volume of water storage and improve inflows from outlaying areas. #Buildingapond #waterstorage

#5. Shape the pond
After excavation, shape the sides and bottom of the pond to make sure it is sloped correctly at 60 degrees and has a natural appearance.

#6. Line the pond
A liner prevents water from seeping into the ground. You can use a rubber or PVC liner. #Buildingapond

#7. Install the outfall sump and piping
This should lead to the irrigation system. #Buildingapond #irrigationsystem #farming twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

#8. Maintenance
Regularly maintain the pond by checking the water quality, clean the filter system, and remove any debris in the pond.

Good luck! If you have any question, I am happy to respond.

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