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Senecio art, illusion and theatre of the absurd

Mar 23, 2023, 25 tweets

Friends of Kids Company - Camila Batmanghelidjh
Rachel John @ The Francis Crick Institute on October 16, 2014
Mayor of London Boris Johnson
Prince Charles in 2008

UK Column 2015

The House of Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee..has called to account the trustees of bankrupt charity Kids Company (run by Camila Batmanghelidjh, trustees chaired by Alan Yentob )

"The chairman of the PACAC is Bernard Jenkin, the Conservative MP for Harwich and North Essex, who until 2006 was vice-chairman of his party. In May 2009, Jenkin was reported by the Daily Telegraph to have used £50,000 of expenses money against the rules to pay rent to a relative

"UK Column exclusive: There is a Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) element at the core of this story. The massive government and media attack on Kids Company began within days of Batmanghelidjh having handed David Cameron the RAINS list (“Ritual Abuse Information Network & Support”)

of alleged Satanic ritual abusers of children in Hampshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Surrey and the Isle of Wight."

Story never made sense, for many reasons

Why do I bring it up now?

That was back in 2015

Dec. 2022 - "Kids Company founder cleared to challenge critical watchdog report in court"
- The Guardian…

No mention of a Ritual Abuse Information Network & Support” (RAINS) list

Coming in to bat for the other side now...

"HORROR HOAX How tales of posh mums drinking babies’ blood turned into UK’s most dangerous conspiracy – & is still ruining lives now"
Alexi Mostrous , The Sun , Jan 2023…

"A modern-day satanic panic that shows how quickly lies can spread online — and

the failure of both the police and social media giants to crack down on them.

The Hampstead Hoax has left a trail of destruction and is still hurting people. Vile accusations had been placed against some of the names, claiming they were Satanists who had sex with children.."

"the Guardian's choice for best podcast of 2022: #Hoaxed, Alexi Mostrous’s investigation into the conspiracy theory about a Hampstead-based satanic paedophile cult"

Uh huh..

Step back to 2014

That's the year that Google DeepMind went into that Hampstead primary school in February that year 'to find the next Bill Gates'

was the excuse🙄

What were they doing there? Also that year...

Also in 2014, the Hampstead school's headteacher was busy getting media training with a PR firm staffed with ex-BBC people

Then it was in the summer and autumn of 2014 - after the visit of DeepMind - that the story began to break on the internet

Confused? Let's take a closer look at DeepMind

The start-up was founded by Demis Hassabis, Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman in September 2010

Suleyman and Hassabis both grew up in North London and met through friends when in their teens…

Hassabis obtained his PhD in cognitive neuroscience from UCL in 2009 supervised by Eleanor Maguire.

He continued his neuroscience & AI research as a visiting scientist jointly at MIT, in the lab of Tomaso Poggio& Harvard University,before earning a Henry Wellcome postdoctoral research fellowship to the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at UCL in 2009 working w/ Peter Dayan

This is the bit I find very interesting:

"Working in the field of imagination, memory and amnesia, he co-authored several influential papers

His very first academic work, published in PNAS,was a landmark paper that showed systematically for the first time that patients with

damage to their hippocampus, known to cause amnesia, were also unable to imagine themselves in new experiences. The finding established a link between the constructive process of imagination and the reconstructive process of episodic memory recall."..

" Based on this work and a follow-up functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, Hassabis developed a new theoretical account of the episodic memory system identifying scene construction, the generation and online maintenance of a complex and coherent scene, as

a key process underlying both memory recall and imagination. This work received widespread coverage in the mainstream media and was listed in the top 10 scientific breakthroughs of the year by the journal Science.

Demis Hassabis later generalised these ideas to advance the notion of a 'simulation engine of the mind' whose role it was to imagine events and scenarios to aid with better planning…

Hassabis met Shane Legg when both were postdocs at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit and DeepMind was formed in 2010 along with Mustafa Suleyman and David Silver

For me, how the 2 children were USED for this story, that clearly used intel operatives, was always THE story

And Russia and the UK collaborated on that

Your low IQ ex-PM already told you what's coming next

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