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Mar 23, 2023, 16 tweets

A summary of #GoldMafia goes like this

Zimbabwean President is using gold smugglers trying to evade targeted sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the west .

There are 6 players in this game that link Zimbabwe , the UK , Dubai and South Africa

The players
Kamlesh Pattni
Henrietta Rushwaya
Alistair Mathias
Ewan MacMilan
Simon Rudland
Uebert Angel
Rikki Doolan

So the Gold Mafias have licenses to buy Gold from Zimbabwean miners for Fidelity , and Fidelity by the way is a subsidiary of The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe .The Mafia also has Gold export licences with Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe subsidiaries

The Mafia then export the gold from Zimbabwe to Dubai . The dirty money is then brought back to Zimbabwe by couriers employed by Gold Mafia . The dirty money is disguised as revenue from the legit and legal sale of Gold.

Back is Dubai money from the gold sales is transferred to bank accounts as legitimate earnings

One of the players Henrietta Rushwaya is the president of the Zimbabwe Miners Association. Rushwaya, she is also President Mnangagwa’s niece.

Crazy part is Henrietta Rushwaya was arrested in October 2020 for allegedly trying to smuggle gold out of the country but was acquitted due to lack of evidence

However her former aide and driver Tashinga Nyasha Masinire was sentenced to a fine of R40,000 or two years imprisonment after being found with 23 gold bars concealed in a box of whisky at OR Tambo International Airport in May 2021

Another player Prophet Uebert Angel was appointed to be part of Presidential Envoy and Ambassador at Large by President Emmerson Mnangagwa ...this was all calculated

Another major player is Kamlesh Pattni who was involved in the Goldenberg scam, a gold smuggling operation that robbed Kenya of $600mn and led to charges of corruption against many members of then President Daniel Arap Moi is now in Zim doing crime with Mnangagwa


There is also Rikki Doolan he is Angel's spokes person also second in charge participated heavily in this dirty laundry business

There is also Zimbabwean Gold dealer Ewan Macmillan who is seen on one of the clips talking about how they smuggle Gold using private planes with the connivance of politicians, and how they have RBZ Governor John Mangudya on speed dial.

And his partner Alistair Mathias who runs the Macmillan’s operation, Mathias is a Canadian national,he launders money for people all over the world, from Russians to African politicians.

Lastly there is also Simon Rudland, the tobacco boss, is regarded as one of the pioneers of "cheapies" - illicit cigarettes that dodge annual excise taxes and VAT in South Africa .

A hero uploaded the full chapter 1 here on twitter can watch here

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