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We’re progressive grassroots activists dismantling the Abortion Industrial Complex and standing in solidarity with the murdered victims of abortion violence

Mar 23, 2023, 5 tweets


This morning activists with the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising conducted a protest outside Rayburn US House of Representatives building to demand #JusticeForTheFive babies discovered by PAAU activists last year.

Holding images of the victims, the activists then moved into the street and blocked traffic in both directions. Police arrested 7 of the activists as they sang and chanted, calling upon congress to hold hearings for the babies and to pass a national abortion ban at viability.

The activists who were arrested include: @terrisalin @kristinturnerlife @melaniesalazara @carolinetaylife @antipersonhood @noapologiesprolife and @ofgilda

They have all been released from custody!!🎉

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