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Raise the issue of Covid safety using the Pledge: at work, school, community group, local shops, restaurants, public transport, supermarkets

Mar 24, 2023, 10 tweets

Over the last few days we have stressed the importance of clean air. But there is another, equally crucial, element of the Covid Pledge: supporting people to stay home when ill. #covidpledgeaction #covidsafetypledge (1/10)

When Johnson lifted support for self-isolation in February 2022, he was asked if people should stay home if sick. He replied yes, and he wished the British were ‘disciplined’ like the Germans and did so... #covidpledgeaction #covidsafetypledge (2/10)

As many pointed out, this has nothing to do with lack of discipline. It has to do with lack of support. Sick pay in 🇬🇧 is £99.35 per week. In 🇩🇪 it is 100% of ordinary pay for the 1st 6 weeks. The UK is just about the worst in Europe. #covidpledgeaction #covidsafetypledge (3/10)

Even when there was support for self-isolation, it was derisory. The total amount was £500, 1 in 8 workers qualified, nearly 70% were turned down. There was no practical support w/accommodation, addressing caring responsibilities etc. #covidpledgeaction #covidsafetypledge (4/10)

When asked why support was so miserly (despite clear evidence that support increases adherence and lowers infections), Matt Hancock told a Parliamentary Committee that it was because ministers feared people would ‘game the system’. #covidpledgeaction #covidsafetypledge (5/10)

It gets worse. The issue isn’t just lack of support. Many staff have been pressured into going in when unwell. A TUC study suggested 9% of workers infected with Covid were forced to work – and another 10% to work alongside an infected colleague #covidsafetypledge (6/10)

This is a particularly acute issue for vulnerable workers and workers from ethnic minorities who are twice as likely to be on Agency or zero-hours contracts and therefore to be subject to pressures to work while ill #covidpledgeaction #covidsafetypledge (7/10)

For all these reasons, not just allowing self-isolation, but also supporting workers so that it is practically possible for them to stay home when infected with Covid – and more generally – is a core element of the Covid Pledge #covidpledgeaction #covidsafetypledge (8/10)

And, as with good ventilation, it makes sense not just for employees and for customers, but also for employers. It has been estimated that ‘presenteeism’ (sick people at work) costs businesses £4,000 per employee per year (…) #covidsafetypledge (9/10)

So if ‘build back better’ is to mean anything at all, it must mean building a society in which people can afford to be sick. That is why it is a key plank of the Covid Pledge ( and of our Week of Action. #covidpledgeaction #covidsafetypledge (10/10)

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