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Mar 25, 2023, 28 tweets



We’re joining the One Chicago for All Alliance for candidate conversations with Mayoral candidates @PaulVallas and @Brandon4Chicago

Follow along in this thread 🧵 #1Chi4All

Both candidates have agreed to share their visions on employment, community safety, immigration, and economic prosperity. #1Chi4All

We have a 📢 FULL HOUSE 📢 at the .@thisisUIC Dorin Forum. South and West Side residents and organization know how the importance of civic engagement and municipal elections.

First up: Candidate @PaulVallas will take questions from the One Chicago for All Alliance. #1Chi4All

Our President & CEO Brenda and our Barista Apprentice Rodgerick asked @PaulVallas about removing barriers to employment. Mr. Vallas stated his support for removing barriers to employment for returning citizens. #1Chi4All

@PaulVallas is now discussing using TIF funds as a vehicle for community investment. #1Chi4All

.@SWOPorg and .@GKMC18 are now asking a question to @PaulVallas about affordable housing. #1Chi4All

@PaulVallas is discussing using TIF funds to support affordable housing and turning over abandoned housing to local developers to create more affordable housing. #1Chi4All

@PaulVallas on resource allocation in city budgets: “don’t shortchange yourself”

.@Instituto1977 is speaking powerfully about immigration protections in Chicago. #1Chi4All

@PaulVallas is discussing his record as @ChiPubSchools CEO and his leadership in New Orleans and Haiti in responding to @Instituto1977’s questions on immigration #1Chi4All

@PaulVallas is discussing the number of charter schools opened during his time as @ChiPubSchools CEO and his proposals for more neighborhood schools and faith based programs in CPS schools. #1Chi4All

@tmwkenglewood is asking @PaulVallas about his vision for community safety and youth summer employment. #1Chi4All

@PaulVallas is discussing engaging with local Chambers of Commerce and rebuilding community social service organizations to expand services for youth. #1Chi4All

One Chicago 4 All groups are celebrating orgs present while we await @Brandon4Chicago to take the stage.

BIG cheers from our group at NLEN! #1Chi4All

Today’s #1Chi4All events includes organizations from:
👊 The South Side
✊The West Side
👊 The Northwest Side

@Brandon4Chicago has taken the stage and discussed equitable employment with our President &. CEO Brenda and our Barista apprentice Rodgerick.

He also made a key promise to visit NLEN’s beelove cafe. #1Chi4All

@Brandon4Chicago committed to supporting @SWOPorg and @GKMC18’s equitable housing initiatives, and is discussing the racial and geographic homeownership gap in Chicago. #1Chicago4All

@Brandon4Chicago “our ability to buy back our blocks is a public safety issue” #1Chi4All

@Brandon4Chicago is discussing the Budget For Black Lives passed in the Cook County Commission and how it connects to neighborhood Quality of Life Plans with @ACT_Chicago and @NRCchicago #1Chi4All

@Brandon4Chicago committed to @Instituto1977’s proposals on immigration and welcoming city policies. #1Chi4All

@Brandon4Chicago answers “Yes” to every 1 Chicago For All commitment on community and parent input on @ChiPubSchools resource allocation. Mr. Johnson is also discussing expanding community schools and closing a 1 billion dollar funding gap with a new formula. #1Chi4All

@Brandon4Chicago answered “Yes” to proposals on community violence prevention and youth employment. He’s discussing @ChicagoEcps and District Councils with @tmwkenglewood #1Chi4All

FIRST MENTION: @Brandon4Chicago ends his remarks by mentioning #TreatmentNotTrauma, a council order to expand the behavioral health workforce proposed by 33rd Ward Alderwoman @RossanaFor33 #1chi4all

The One Chicago 4All event has ended and @Brandon4Chicago has left the stage. #1Chi4All

We thank @PaulVallas and @Brandon4Chicago for sharing their visions for a prosperous Chicago, and for the One Chicago for All Alliance for organizing this morning’s event. We turned out to show that the West Side is committed to civic engagement! #1Chi4All

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