Women’sSafetyIsNotNazism💚🤍💜 Profile picture
NHS therapist with brain injury survivors. Consent, privacy, and safety are paramount. We will restore rights to single sex space and single sex care for women.

Mar 25, 2023, 7 tweets

Julie Bindel is talking about a rapist acquitted after deception and date rape in halls of residence because he was trans identified. It was insisted in court that he was a lesbian, that the victim, a student, called him she. A “woman” with a raping penis. State sanctioned rape.

Meanwhile, drumming overhead for the last hour; chanting, shouting, fake sirens; people waiting outside for us to come out, protesting that lesbians are meeting without men present. They have come to violate our space and “teach” us a lesson in compliance.

The police advise there is another exit.
They have blocked the road outside, have erected tents. They are waiting for us.
Does anybody care about the safety of women, our right to meet each other without male violence and homophobia?
@RosieDuffield1 @JKRowling

I am so angry

A woman has said her rapist is in the protest outside

Lesbians cannot meet without men punishing us with violence in 2023


The smell of smoke permeated the building while we were chatting after the meeting, and later door staff came to tell us after lighting smoke bombs the protestors had left, I suppose afraid of arrests. I saw the woman whose rapist was in the protest talking to Met police outside.

#TheLesbianProject pulled off a fantastic meeting of brilliant women. Thanks to Julie Bindel and Kathleen Stock, who were smiling+relaxed throughout despite the kerfuffle outside. Strength+solidarity to all and thanks so much all you great people for your support 🥰🤝🙏🏼

This wonderful man filmed it. They abused him as a fascist, a parasite, “making sad people even more miserable”, blocked him in, assaulted him, knocked his camera to the ground. The police treated him as the problem. Poignant, succinct summing up at the end as women come out …👌

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