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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Mar 25, 2023, 21 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 3.25 Xi teaches the world to sing!

A slow news day: Xi only appears in ten shots,
-But what a wallop he packs!
-Xi extends the light of Chinese culture to the world
-Other countries have cultures, too
-China helps them save their own cultures
-It's so win-win!

This global leader who needs no introduction
expounds on his grand vision of building a community with a shared future for humanity!

(Yes, humanity, you are included!)

Did you know Xi is an expert in culture, too?

(He could have been a museum guide, that is to say, the paramount guide in the museum of humanity.)

This small classroom in Malta is like a test lab for the classrooms of the world.
If you like Chinese tea, you'll love Xi.

This bold and innovative foreign teacher introduces Xi Jinping thought to the foreign children in science class.

The kids in the Science China Corner just can't get enough of it. Even their homework reflects it.

"Xi speaks to the shared fate of humanity..."

Riveted, (with the help of jasmine tea) the kids listen attentively as teacher speaks of the promised land.

Around the world, the fragrant message of Xi's vision is disseminated...

(Even though I am a Chinese, we share the shared goals of humanity.)

China's culture is so ancient...

(As for the statues, any facial resemblance to a current leader is entirely coincidental)

How to put it without sounding Sinocentric?
Beijing is the center of China, China is the central country, and the central country China is the center of the world.

But other countries have cultures, too!

And China, even if it didn't build them, or influence them directly, is trying to preserve them.

Cambodia's Angkor Wat owes a great deal to China.

As do antiquities in other far-flung foreign locales...

It's not uncommon to find a Chinese expert on the scene shoring things up.

Cambodia and Thailand share with China the legacy of beautiful buildings.

What about Africa and the Mideast?

China is helping with their cultures, too.

Cultural exchange introduces Chinese culture to the world.

And the world dances with joy.

What's not to love about it?

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