Louis Pereira Profile picture
Building assets on the internet. Currently crafting https://t.co/zCNvzwmdSm

Mar 26, 2023, 10 tweets

And so it begins :)

This #HalfDayBuild, I'm building Audio Pen.

An app that lets you record voice notes and converts them into clearly (re)worded text.

Follow this thread for updates as I aim to go from idea to revenue within 12 hours. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Before I get started, here's a mini version of the app that I built last week.

You can try it out, and register to be notified when the full version is ready later today.


I'm building with @bubble and @OpenAI.

Fueled by some great Indian coffee by @BlueTokaiCoffee.

This is roughly the look I'll be going for.

Made these in @figma last night, so i didn't have to spend time fussing over design decisions today.

Coming along nicely!

I'm looking for a couple of volunteers to try out the product before I release it publicly.

If you're interested, please comment below?

I'll contact you in a few hours when it's ready.


Sent beta tester invites to a bunch of people.

Time to get some dinner before working on their feedback.

Aiming to ship within the next hour!

My beta testers are the best.

We have liftoff!

Just broke even and turned a small profit over my immediate expenses :)

Time to sleep and worry about next month's bills in the morning.

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