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Mar 26, 2023, 14 tweets

The RESTRICT Act is not limited to just TikTok. It gives the government authority over all forms of communication domestic or abroad and grants powers to “enforce any mitigation measure to address any risk” to national security now and in any “potential future transaction”

So what happens if you are designated a national security threat? What can they access of yours to confirm it? Everything.
Notice the preemptive attack on quantum encryption in there, too.

It also allows the Director of National Intelligence and Secretary of Commerce the authority to universally designate new “Foreign Adversaries” without notifying congress and a 15 day window to notify the president. It also requires a joint resolution of Congress to overturn.

If you recall from before, “Foreign Individuals” can now also be US citizens that are deemed a national security threat. Once designated, the bill grants authority to enforce any action deemed necessary to mitigate the threat, with no due process and few limits on punishments.

After the federal government has detained you without due process to mitigate the “immediate threat” you pose, what kind of punishments await you in court? $1,000,000 fine, 20 years in prison and forfeiture of everything you own.

This act also grants unlimited hiring power to positions of enforcement, unlimited funds with little or no review and immunity to FOIA.

Unfortunately, the people in power recognize the constitution for what it is. Paper, with no power or authority at all. They take what they want with no regard for it. It’s time the people recognize the same and refuse to recognize these infringements of their natural rights.

For the purpose of this bill a “Transaction” is anything, by anyone.

That is correct, it does say that is is only applicable to foreign entities, however it then allows anyone that poses a threat to “critical infrastructure” pursuant to a section of the patriot act listed here to also have action taken against them in accordance with this bill.

In this video, Louis Rossmann breaks the bill down point-by-point.

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