gia🕊️ | #GaiaGio update!🫡 Profile picture
svt nct aespa bxg suka suka gw

Mar 26, 2023, 9 tweets

#GaiaGio ; we only need to communicate.

Bungsu bf vs bungsu gf: berantem edition pt. 2

#revehours #skyiselle few tweets au.

Typing ap tuch mint?

(Akhirnya) gak gengsi lagi

Screenshot chat Sergio & Asha

Hahaha yes very cantik yg bikin MASALAH

Baikan atau balikan?

Part one:

#GaiaGio universe dr siniii!

Spt biasa mint kritik saran & kalo ada rekwes boleh kesini atau dm! Xixixi

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