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Researcher @getclave Turkish Tweets: @doganeth Previously: @lyteraio

Mar 26, 2023, 9 tweets

Introducing Opclave: An Op Stack chain that enables to turn iPhone's into a hardware wallet with fully Account Abstraction support.…

In Apple Slicon, there is one processor that has abstracted from other components of the phone: Secure Enclave. Secure enclave is designed to protect the users keys and sensitive data which can be reached by only biometric identification (Face ID - Touch ID)

So, we have a fully abstracted TEE in our phones. If we can use it for Private Key storing, that can improve our mobile wallet security level nearly to hardware wallet.

But we have a problem: The Secure Enclave only supports the “secp256r1 curve”, whereas Ethereum supports the “secp256k1 curve”. So, we needed some custom solutions to implement Apple signatures to blockchain.

We could write a solidity verifier for secp256r1 but this verifier consumes too much gas. So we decided to configure the Op Stack and implemented a precompile verifier for secp256r1. Precompile implementation helps us to prove the ownership of the user account.

So we have a fully secure mobile wallet but we still have lots of problem that makes the UX poor. For this reason, we've implemented various Account Abstraction features such as Paymasters, Social Recovery, Daily spend limits.

Here is the summary of what we've built for this hackaton. User sign the message with their face id, than the bundler takes the UserOperation and precompile verifier verifies the transaction's validity.
So we have a fully Secure Enclave and Account Abstraction support in OpClave

We also have a PoC demo video live and absolutely all of our codes are open sourced! We are discussing for our future as we want to improve our project with new Account Abstraction features and supporting with new chains that have protocol level AA support…

We, Opclave team, had so much fun while developing the Opclave. We want to take this PoC to the next levelop and develop it for the mainnet.

Developing a wallet is such a hard process but let's see what this hackathon will bring us.
@ulerdogan @0xTahos @zetsuboii_ @thebuzagi

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