Wormz Profile picture

Mar 27, 2023, 13 tweets

A thread on the truth of where Emerson Barrett's nudes actually originally leaked and why this whole thing is sketchy bc even if he cheated there are still a lot of red flags in this accusation that need to be addressed concerning whether or not this was with a minor:

It started with this now deleted account going around spamming fans with them using the hashtag #cancelpalayeroyale claiming he is a pedophile and sent these to minors but w no other context/details. It was not a victim themselves coming forward making an accusation against him

Notice the timing of one of their tweets, this was before kaylins thread. Therefore it came from here first. Also as you can see in kaylins tweet she only says "accused of sexting underaged girls" but still no added context/details.

Now notice how the account is located in Bulgaria? A man from a Bulgarian band was also dming them to people at random on ig long before the thread as well. His account has since been deleted.

He also commented this under one of Emersons ig posts a couple days before all of this.

Palaye were literally just in Bulgaria on their latest tour. Most likely this guy is the ex of someone Emerson may have hooked up with while there. It fits with their statements about a jealous ex using this as revenge porn. There is nothing that proves otherwise at this point.

The images being recent only solidify this theory if anything btw. Kaylin shared dms from someone pointing this out saying "I'd assume" & that's the only "proof" she had to add to her thread. Still nothing from a supposed underaged victim to show tho. this is all just speculation

Kaylin claims a victim came to her with this and refuses to give any information on them but looks to me like she discovered the images through this guy blasting them everywhere or someone else did and showed them to her. This was tweeted before the thread and has been deleted.

Emerson would know exactly who he sent those images to. You know you're not protecting anyone's identity.

Say what you want about anything else regarding this situation but as of right now there is no proof it was a minor & no existing claim from any underaged individual that he ever sent them unsolicited images. Literally nothing. And no a collection of leaked nudes is not proof.

There are some things here that shouldnt be ignored & w no actual known victim this accusation is baseless & not enough to "expose" someone as a pedophile & post their uncensored dick pics everywhere which is an extremely serious & illegal thing to do cheating aside

All you have accomplished is passing around someone's leaked nudes without their consent and traumatizing a bunch of kids congrats

Also THATS how you add a content warning

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