Phil Cunningham Profile picture
金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Mar 27, 2023, 23 tweets

The state of the world outside the motherland is stark.

Our close and trusted friend Russia continues to patiently ameliorate a border dispute with the disputatious rump state of Ukraine

If they just gave up, there would be peace. What makes Ukraine really a problem is their stubborn penchant for fighting back. What's more, they are propped up by NATO and the US.

This German politician, who does regular rants for CCTV, explains:
"The US and NATO broke their promise!"
"NATO's eastward expansion is the cause of the conflict."
"If they keep on sending heavy weapons to Ukraine...the conflict* will only get worse."

(Can't say "war" on CCTV)

The Challenger 2 tanks from Britain represent a new phase of war...

A Serbian official explains:
"To deliver depleted uranium to any country or to drop it anywhere is to START A NUCLEAR WAR!*
NATO with US as the head did this before, dropping 15 tons of the stuff on Yugoslavia"

*the word "war" can be broadcast if it's not in reference to Russia.


A meeting at the UN.
Any guess what it's about?

Nord Stream has been a top story in China's domestic news for well over a month now.
As this Argentine think tank researcher explains:
"Destroying the pipeline hurt Europe and Russia."
"The only beneficiary is the US natural gas business."

Europe's woes mount by the day.
Germany brought to standstill by transportation strike.

Airports and train stations lie empty.

Meanwhile, team England suffers another own goal.
An oil field pipeline has sprung a big leak.

It's bad for the environment...

The US continues to sink deeper into despair.
CCTV gives a detailed update on the situation in tornado-torn Mississippi.

Back to the top of the news.
There is a cleaner, greener land...

Guided by a red leader with a green thumb...

(Apparently, he only has to point at the rice to increase yields)

His guidance is so highly-sought after.
(Xi is more than the "navigator." He's the "tractor" too, plowing through the muck to make China even more abundant.)

Read all about it in this fascinating new tome!
As Xinhua News has breathlessly reported:
"Book on Xi's discourses on food security published!"
(CCTV generously offers sneak preview of the extraordinary table of contents)

Han Zheng receives the Foreign Minister of Honduras which just broke with Taiwan to recognize the PRC.

Li Qiang cajoles foreigners.
China's a great place to do business, don't you think?

(Li Qiang's draconian lock down of Shanghai has long since been forgotten)

Foreigners from near and far alike love Xi's concept of "high quality development"
All are bullish on China's bullish economy.

(there's a whiff of desperation when China needs to trot out foreigners on the domestic news to convince its own people the economy is good.)

Xi's signature theme, "An Uncertain World: Solidarity and Cooperation for Development Amid Challenges"
is expected to draw huge crowds to the under-sold seats at the Boao Forum.

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