Anya ✨ Profile picture
Writer 🏳️‍🌈🌱 she/her phd student (derogatory) Darklina & Reylo & Daemyra

Mar 27, 2023, 73 tweets

Love In The Time Of Socialism

A Darklina Textfic / Social Media AU

Possibly the silliest fic i’ve ever written.

Alina meets a guy at a bar.

His name is Sergio or something.

It’s a casual thing.

Well! Hello everyone! It’s been a WHILE!

Happy to inform that the main content warning for this fic is SILLINESS. Loads of it.

Minor tw for past toxic relationships (but very minor, almost nonexistent)

Thank you to my better half @backup_crab for the idea and inspiration 💛

I’ll use the hashtag #LITTOSDarklina throughout so feel free to mute the tag if you don’t want to see any updates!

1. Well, hello there Sergio :) #LITTOSDarklina

2. Alina might not be the most reliable when it comes to people stuff but she’s 100% sure that’s just Sergio, from the bar


3. These are two truths universally acknowledged: He won’t be around for long AND you guys wouldn’t like him! (3 Screenshots)


4. And they say romance is dead


5. Actually Aleksander excuse me Sergio is very good at no strings attached sex so he’s not letting it affect him at all (Aleksander’s POV) (3 screenshots)


6. At least someone appreciated his tamales :(


7. A healthy dose of gaslighting and a pinch of complete ignorance makes the heart grow fond 🥰


8. “What’s Spotify?” and she meant it too :/


9. Not now Kaz, he’s googling ‘what are the signs of a stroke’ (Aleksander’s POV)


10. Siri define the word ‘Clueless’ for me, thanks! (Aleksander’s POV)


11. It’s not that Alina is worried about his financial situation necessarily but why do all his clothes look so OLD and worn? 🤔


12. Personally, I’ve never met a man more chill! Honestly!


13. Well, he might be a broke music man but he’s very generous :) (3 Screenshots)


14. In his defence, he isn’t usually this slow 🙃 (Aleksander’s POV)


15. The girl has a conscience after all!


16. How is it that no matter what he says he’s always losing when it comes to her?


17. At least someone appreciates him in this house 😌


18. She’s very polite, actually


19. Good morning to you too darling!


20. Listen, longing for connection is very human. He isn’t desperate.


21. Is she joking? He can’t tell if she’s joking but maybe she’s— No she must be joking right?

Are they having fun? Non sex related fun?


Alina’s playlist.

The one he didn’t put an embarrassing amount of work into.…


22. Maybe you flew too close to the sun, my man 😔


23. I think maybe we can all agree that 23 love songs about longing and not being with the girl you love were a few too many :/


24. True friendship looks something like this


25. “I don’t think he cares that much” the family plan + playlist guy?


26. The least he could do is fix those damn hinges 😤


27. So did someone say sorry? Like at all?


28. Needing someone is such a funny feeling isn’t it?


29. Perhaps someone missed Sergio quite a lot…. or perhaps she’s only grateful he picked her up from work, right?


30. Is this… actual communication?


31. every perfect couple must consist of one emotionally competent person and an oyster shell of a person


32. She’s just hard on the outside, soft and squishy on the inside, okay?


33. Oh yeah, remember that big big big event you must attend? Remember that, Sasha?


34. Wise words, from one single man to another. (Aleksander’s POV)


35. Okay here we go.

Think: Not Pathetic.


36. Did he… did he actually mention what the event was or…?


37. Admitting defeat is okay sometimes. You tried (?) (Aleksander’s POV)


And that is unfortunately all for today! The second half of this story will be up tomorrow!

Thank you so so much to everyone for following along today!

As always i’m so grateful for all the comments, likes, rts, bookmarks (?)! And any and all engagement :)

See you tomorrow!

38. Just two boys ready for their Work Event (Aleksander’s POV)


39. Oh no, poor baby :(


40. The Simp Olympics? Cancelled. He won.


41. “Oh you fucking simp” (affectionate)


42. All is well then ❤️‍🩹


43. By the time his name is called, they’re both asleep on Alina’s twin sized bed


44. What’s worse: losing to your friend or having to accept his awards on his behalf?


45. His phone is blowing up but nothing else matters right now


46. Nina ended up missing the BRITs last night, so she doesn’t check twitter until the morning after and—


47. Yeah good morning to you too!


48. A quick google search and who the fuck is Aleksander?


49. Talk about overstimulation :/


50. The police should have been called!!! She doesn’t even know what instagram is ffs


51. Just because your friend are good friends doesn’t mean they are— tactful.


52. We are connecting the dots!


53. Is Genya a genius?

She might be.


54. so all along it was just…. right there?


55. oh no


56. He has no idea does he?


57. Who’s having the hardest time this week? You or Alina Starkov?

Oh Alina Starkov yeah


58. Don’t mess with Alina Starkov. (also wedding ?? )


59. Ah indeed


60. At his point he can’t even be blamed for being defensive.


61. Here we go then


62. Sorry what


63. *oh*


64. Alright then 💛


65. And perhaps that’s a question for another day :)


66. Oh and one last thing! (The devil works hard but Kaz Brekker works harder)


Thank you so so much to all of you for reading and engaging with my little stories 💛 As always, thank you for the comments, likes, rts, bookmarks, aggressive dms… It makes it all worth it

it’s all for you 💛

(Also i would be willing to post a tiny epilogue! Thoughts?)

Let’s hear the voice of the people. What has Alina been calling him all these months? #LITTOSDarklina

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