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Just an American sick of the Deep State. Interested in making a difference? Follow this link: #FreeSpeech

Mar 27, 2023, 8 tweets

1. The #UNFiles Part 1: How the UN Waged a Pro-Vaccine Psyops Campaign on the World through Health Practitioners.

2. The UN Instructed practitioners to use trust, timing, stories, and emotions to persuade the public to trust vaccines. Not factual data.

3. According to the UN, simply reporting the truth to the public is not enough to ensure the prevention of ‘vaccine hesitancy’. Trust is gained by using ‘trusted institutions’ to push the vaccines rather than evidence of its efficacy.

4. The UN claims that vaccine hesitancy is due to the ‘the human brain inherently struggling to process uncertainty and complexity’. The possibility of a legitimate reason to question the vaccines was never discussed.

5. The UN discouraged sharing scientific data as it is discovered because it gives the impression of ‘inconsistency’. Something they say the public cannot handle.

6. The UN discouraged objective reporting on both sides of the argument as being a ‘false balance’. Assuming that their side was ultimately Authoritative.

7. The UN provided 7 ‘principles’ in which to use to effectively manipulate the population.

8. More to come. To stay updated with the most recent reporting subscribe to my substack:…


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