The Robber Baron Profile picture
Tweeting from the underbelly of higher ed. Joint account with advanced degrees in sociology, environmental science, and social work.

Mar 28, 2023, 7 tweets


Recently, people were alarmed to learn that the CDC based their masking policy on a NY Times article

Yet, you may not know that in April 2020 the Attorney General of Illinois justified locking down 12 million people based on CNN, NY Times, & Vox articles


A legal challenge was brought against the state.

In return, the state argued to keep children locked at home, shut down businesses, cancel medical procedures, and let the elderly die alone.

One of their main sources to justify lockdown was a CNN article quoting Facui.


They didn't use research on spread, risks, IFR, lockdown harms, etc.

Instead their sources were anecdotal stories from the New York times.


They said lockdowns were necessary to save lives.

But what exactly was their proof?

Their "proof" was their own models and projections that claimed lockdowns were saving lives.


The most science-heavy source they brought into the legal argument was a GIF created by Vox to explain asymptomatic spread

(It turned out to be highly over exaggerated if not outright false)


So again, the state of Illinois used Covid-panic articles by biased outlets to legally justify harming kids, families, businesses, churches, and the elderly.

Here is the document.…


And to those that would argue these legacy media outlets were the best available information at the time and that we didn't know any better.

That is absolutely false and easily proven wrong:


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