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Mar 28, 2023, 16 tweets

On Trump's 19th Birthday there were exactly 666 months before the C-19 Corona Vax was Rolled Out During an Eclipse.


When Trump was 666 months old there were exactly 19 years before the C-19 Corona vaccine.

19 years after the 1st eclipse post 9/11


Scary AF

The Sun is the 19th Trump. In Tarot. Fits with 19, the eclipse, and Trump

12/14/01. 1st eclipse since 9/11/01

He locked us down 880 months and 22 weeks after his birth. Starting the tangible and warp sped destruction of the United States. Be sure to Text him at 88022.


A lunar Eclipse took place when Trump was 19 years old on the dot.

a Blood moon eclipse occured on the day of his birth.

Go back 88 yrs 88 mos 88 wks and 88 days from Corona day and what do you get

The Time Machine by HG Wells vs Humans Today.

Many say Trump is the beast. My answer to that is I have no idea what he is other than he is certainly coded to appear that he is & is not just a random rich guy. He is something or represents something massive. I cant confirm what because I do not know.

19 years before Corona V Eclipse day exactly.

There have been many pandemics. But only 1 has a 2 digit year in its official title. In fact its the only one with any date in its official title at all. Even the Spanish Flu doesnt have any date in its official name.

They really really wanted that 19 in there.

Other events of 12/14

-Corona Vax rolled out
-Biden confirmed by electoral college
-A comet
-A meteor shower
-A total solar eclipse
-A New Moon
All on the same day.

Little did they know the Vax would be rolled out that day.... or did they.

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