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Mar 29, 2023, 10 tweets

Grassy Narrows, Neskantaga, Muskrat Dam, KI, and Wapekeka uniting today at Queens Park to confront Ford's mining agenda.

'When you're mining, you're carving into Mother Earth. For 20 years, we have blockaded logging, now mining is skyrocketing. Ontario doesn't acknowledge us, they need to consult with us, but we don't want mining or development. We want to keep the land as it is'
Chief Turtle

'We have not given consent to #RingofFire. Our way of life is being threatened. If @fordnation wants to get on a bulldozer and come in, he'll be met with our people. We want to have a big say. You will not build a road or come in without our permission'

Chief Moonias

'Industry, and Ontario need to know, you will not cross our river'.

Chief Mooinas, Neskantaga

'We encountered the same at KI before. They jailed & mistreated us. They are doing the same, pushing their agenda. But no means no! We are determined to stand up for our rights. We will do anything to stop any exploration. @fordnation needs to meet with us.'

Head Councilor Begg

'We are here to remind @fordnation & ON of their obligations. We learned on social media that Platinex is staking out land next to our dams, polluting our waters. We are finding out about extraction on media. No one in govt or industry comes.'

Alvin Fiddler, Muskrat Dam

'We have power, we have authority and it comes from our land, from our children. We have treaty rights but we also have inherent rights given to us by our creator. If we allow industry to trample on us, things will get worse'.

Alvin Fiddler

'Our way of life is being threatened. We are preparing to risk our life.'

Chief Mooinas

'We will match whatever the government does to us. If they are violent, what will we do? We will stand up to whatever is being done with us and we will match them'

Chief-elect Chris Moonias, Neskantaga

'This country is build on stolen land. Our rights have been trampled. Our people are saying it stops now. Enough is enough. These are not words, it's actions that will be taken by our people'.

Chief Moonias, Neskantaga

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