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@NBCNews Justice reporter. 📚Author of SEDITION HUNTERS, one of Publishers Weekly’s best books of 2023 https://t.co/of2wEZEgyy SIGNAL: ryanjreilly.62 🚲

Mar 29, 2023, 8 tweets

#TrackSuitPB, who is going by "Ehren" on the stand, is testifying in the Proud Boys trial. Talking with his handler, he downplayed the PB's role on Jan. 6.

This is the guy the FBI was leaning on for intel on **checks notes**... antifa. Track suit guy.

Here's one of the videos the government played, that shows the FBI's Antifa CHS with the Proud Boys on the front lines of the Capitol attack.

There it is.

Infiltrating leftist groups is hard. Know what’s not hard? Sourcing up Proud Boy cosplayers who love cops (up until right before Jan. 6) and pretending like they’re going to have some sort of special insight on antifa.

Here's footage of the Proud Boy the FBI sourced up for info on antifa helping obstruct an emergency gate inside the Capitol. (Footage from prior case.)

You can watch #TrackSuitPB hoist himself out the broken window on the left here just as another group of rioters violently breach the building. (Video from another case.)

**Record scratch freeze frame**

Hindsight’s 20/20, they say.

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