Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Mar 30, 2023, 8 tweets

Twitter_Files Image 26APR22 01

"Per aspera ad astra!"

-… -

Twitter_Files Image 26APR22 02

"Per aspera ad astra!"

The first definition of the phrase tweeted in reply… -

Twitter_Files Image 26APR22 03

"Per aspera ad astra!"

Uses Twitter translation by google

Twitter_Files Image 26APR22 04

"Per aspera ad astra!"

Twitter_Files Image 26APR22 05

"Per aspera ad astra!"

Twitter_Files Image 26APR22 06

"Per aspera ad astra!"

I did not see it till much later

Twitter_Files Image 26APR22 07

"Per aspera ad astra!"

Twitter_Files Image 26APR22 08

"Per aspera ad astra!"

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