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Nivedita 'Ramendu' Shukla is a Novelist, screenplay writer, cook, adventurer and more... Truth might be uncomfortable, but comfortable to live with!

Apr 1, 2023, 7 tweets

This man worked as a police officer,Jr. Intelligence officer,got silver medal for meritorious work in 1972

Never lost an election n never received a formal education.


Karma Wangchu

🥇Padma Shri 2023 | Arunachal Pradesh

Born in 1935, Wangchu believed that education was the catalyst for economic growth n social work.

As a representative of the public from 1978-1994, Wangchu worked tirelessly towards the preservation and promotion of the rich cultural heritage in the border areas of the state.

He also diligently served d people at grass root level,by taking govt. policies n development schemes to the remotest corners and border areas of Tawang district.
He opened d Choephelling Public School for the destitute and orphans n gave free education to more than 1250 students

Wangchu was the founder of Indo-Tibet Friendship Society in Arunachal.He aimed to bring d ppl of Tibetan community of Arunachal closer to bonafide locals to prevent Chinese influence over Tibetan communities on the Indian side. He worked towards making the people of the....

Indo-Tibet border more patriotic towards India, our motherland.

The first Gaon Bura of Seru Tso village,Health Transport n cooperation minister, devot follower of 14th Dalai Lama, philanthropist, Educator; Wangchu worked towards his cause even after retirement.
He tirelessly...

Worked until his demise in Oct. 2022.

Preservation of traditional cultures and safeguarding the lands n ppl from Chinese was his goal till his last breath.

He preached n beleived in d teachings of Karma n Compassion taught to him by d 14th Dalai Lama

Karma Wangchu
🥇Padma Shri

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