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Apr 1, 2023, 8 tweets

LCX Earn offers investors a unique opportunity to #invest in tokenized bonds while prioritizing compliance and utilizing cutting-edge technology.

It's a proof of the integration of innovation and regulation in the finance industry.

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Each tokenized bond is represented by a planet, signifying the distinctive attributes of each asset. This innovative approach to investment represents a pioneering application of blockchain technology, ultimately providing investors with unparalleled investment opportunities.

EURt7-Moon represents stability and reliability, reminiscent of the Euro, a widely-used and well-established fiat currency. As a stable asset, EURt7 offers investors a secure and reliable option for investment.

BTCt7-Jupiter symbolizes growth, expansion, and vibrancy, much like Bitcoin's pioneering role in the world of digital assets. Denominated in Bitcoin, BTCt7 provides investors with an opportunity to capitalize on the ever-growing crypto market and seize investment opportunities.

ETHt7-Mercury represents speed and agility, reflecting Ethereum's versatile and fast-evolving blockchain platform. Denominated in Ethereum, ETHt7 provides investors with exposure to a dynamic and rapidly developing cryptocurrency.

LCXt7-Neptune signifies the innovative and groundbreaking nature of the LCX Token. LCX Token, LCXt7, offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in the growth and future of the LCX ecosystem while harnessing the potential of tokenized subordinated notes.

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