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Apr 1, 2023, 21 tweets

THREAD: Proof that Harambe deserved to die in the Cincinnati Zoo.

On August 15, 2016 the Business Insider verified that former president George W. Bush met Harambe’s mother named Kayla on July 10, 1998.

It is not uncommon for liberal media to label the truth as a “wild conspiracy” do you remember when Ivermectin was a conspiracy?

Harambe was born on May 27, 1999, at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Texas. Dan Van Coppenolle named him after Rita Marley's 1988 Shanachie Records song "Harambe (Working Together for Freedom)." Harambee is a Swahili word that means "community labor."

Harambe was relocated to the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden on September 18, 2014, to learn adult gorilla etiquette and basic dining manners, as well as to join a new social group. Harambe was assassinated a day after his 17th birthday.…

He weighed 220kg at the time of his death (he went to the gorilla gym a lot). He was shot by a zookeeper, who went missing 6 days later during gorilla feeding time, the last place anybody saw him being on his way to the gorilla feeding site that evening.…

On March 31, 2023, I revealed a leaked conversation of George W. Bush that was recorded during his May 18, 2012 visit to the White House which was his first time being there in two years to discuss rumors that he would be involved in the killing of a Gorilla in the future.

Harambe is regarded as a martyr and an idol for our era. Despite this, no one knows the exact cause of Harambe's death - and the leak that follows will rock your perception of the tragedy to its core.…

Harambe's fledgling political movement might be considered a danger to the powers that be! For example, in polls for the forthcoming 2016 US Presidential Election, Harambe was polling at 5% just a few months after his killing.

🚨Click the ALT button on the photos for sources.

It’s obvious Harmabe would have gained millions of votes if the martyr had been permitted to live. For the establishment, using the child as a pretext to murder the ape was the only option to put a stop to the movement before noble Harambe grew too powerful for Trump or Clinton.

It is worth noting that Hillary Clinton never spoke on Harambe, and my leak on George W. Bush’s phone call in 2012 that Hillary Clinton would have been responsible for Harambe’s death.

Trump spoke on the incident, it would not be a stretch to suggest this is how Hillary lost.

With George W. Bush meeting the mother of Harambe on July 10, 1998, a year prior to his birth it appears that Harambe could have had an elite bloodline that would have put him in position to end the two party system. Bush also went to view the Twin Towers on July 10th in 2001.

Ultimately, a thorough examination of Harambe's past shows him as a critical danger to the establishment's chances of victory. Harambe is claimed to be named after Rita Marley's song "Harambe (Working Together for Freedom)." Yet, the media never explained how he got his name.

The Swahili meaning of 'Harambee' literally means 'community labor.' In addition, the word Harambe unified Kenya.

What do the elite, capitalist, free-market, fascist news media and establishment stand to gain by ordering the assassination of this socialist opposition figure?

According to his zookeeper, Innocent Harambe was merely a "kind giant" with a "sharp personality." The fact that these traits are similar of past communist leaders like Che Guevara and Joseph Stalin demonstrates how big of a danger the gorilla posed to the system.

Before you write off the possibility of Harambe being born into an elite bloodline: On January 19, 2017 Harambe’s Grandmother Josephine was euthanized. This was a day before Donald Trump’s Presidential Inauguration. Why were the people never given an update on the death/murder?

Recap: George Bush was photographed with Harambe’s mother in July just like 9/11, Hillary Clinton never acknowledged Harambe and Donald Trump said the Cincinnati Zoo did the right thing. The only politician to speak for Harambe spoke against him.

What if Harambe is still alive?

With the killing of his entire bloodline, Harambe was considered to be the chosen one and he understood the target that came with that title.

There is no recorded footage of Harambe’s body after the shooting, plus we never got an autopsy report. He deserves justice.

I would like to provide transparency on the origin of ‘Dicks out for Harambe.’

The meme was created by 22-year-old Brandon Zaboklicki, who went by the handle @SexualJumanji on Twitter and wrote this pretty unusual homage to the gorilla. ‘Dicks’ is also slang for extended mags.

This was the plot that led to Harambe's death. Don't remain mute. Spread the word about the truth so that others may be aware of it and defend themselves properly

Although Harambe is gone we can stand against the partisan establishments in America together. #KeepEmOut

The tradition of playing tricks in the springtime has a long and illustrious history. Chaucer drew the link between April 1 and folly in the Nun's Priest's Tales. It was in 1392.

Did you know that the French call April 1st Poisson d"AVril or April Fish?

Happy April Fools Day!

Hello Twitter family, I added my website in this tweet so if you would like to find all of my THREADS or would like to donate towards my independent research, marketing and journalism the option will be below. ❤️ Thank you for the unmatched support.…

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