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Nivedita 'Ramendu' Shukla is a Novelist, screenplay writer, cook, adventurer and more... Truth might be uncomfortable, but comfortable to live with!

Apr 2, 2023, 7 tweets

This man, found his purpose during the Emergency in India in 1975 and has never rested ever since.

Meet a long time Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh (RSS) prachaarak.

Moolchand Lodha

🥇Padma Shri 2023 | Rajasthan
Social Work

He was a campaigner in his native place, Dungarpur n Banswara during the Emergency,n it was during this time,he came to understand the suffering of the people in d area

He then took a vow to dedicate his life serving people in need.

He opened an eye hospital with help of others

He opened an ashram in the Majhole village with five orphans, and started teaching, The Ashram provided other essential services to the underprivileged communities in the area. Soon the ashram had many ppl.
He opened a primary school for children, which was promoted by

Gulabchand Kataria, the then Education Minister.

He migrated to various districts while working on human welfare with d Sangh.

He established Jagran Jan Seva Mandal in 2000 in the tribal village of Majhola. The organization’s mission is to provide essential services to the...

tribal communities in the region, including medical care, education, and welfare services.
All this on a 15 Bigha land given to him.(detailed article below)

Today, the Acharya Mahapragya Eye Hospital,Orphan Ashram, his school,Bhojanshalan Yagyashala r running in this area.

The hospital mainly performs cataract operations along with many other eye procedures.

Over 18,000 people have been operated n 1.6 lakh have been examined in the previous 15 years.The majority of these patients were tribal members from low-income households.

Moolchand Lodha 🙏

Full detailed article-…

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