Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Apr 2, 2023, 21 tweets

"Paid for by ColorOfChange PAC"

Color Of Change PAC Endorses Alvin Bragg for Manhattan DA… -


"Color Of Change applauds district attorneys who refuse to let corporate influence, racist right-wing attacks, or even threats of violence get in the way of holding the rich & powerful accountable."



Color Of Change - End Of Year 2019


Color Of Change Demands Social Media Platforms Uphold Trump Ban… -


Color Of Change Responds to Trump’s Reinstatement on Facebook… -


"We have said from the beginning that this isn’t about left or right, but about right and wrong. Donald Trump’s violent rhetoric, has inflamed a national atmosphere already hostile to Latino, Muslim, and Black communities"… -


"Donald Trump and the Republican Party are holding the entire country hostage to advance their racist policy agenda."… -


One Year After Charlottesville, Color Of Change Launches, Targeting Financial Service Providers that Continue to Profit from White Supremacist Organizations… -


OP-ED: Democrats Heard Our Message of Racial Justice. When Will Corporations Listen?… -


‘We did that.’ Color Of Change Claims Victory for Pushing Twitter to Suspend President Trump’s Account… -


‘We did that.’ Color Of Change Claims Victory for Pushing Twitter to Suspend President Trump’s Account… -
part 2


"Musk has publicly supported restoring the account of former President Donald Trump, among others; Musk could bring back people who have been banned from Twitter for spreading hate, inciting violence, and pushing misinformation. "….. -


"Color Of Change has launched a campaign pressuring advertisers to drop Twitter because platform continues to promote harmful content while Musk turns a blind eye, or worse, contributes to the slurs and conspiracy theories. "… -


Color Of Change Responds to Trump’s Reinstatement on Facebook… -

"By Rashad Robinson"
"President @ColorOfChange "

Smearing Soros to stoke hate: You too, Facebook?… -


"Mr. Soros’s group will invest $150 million in grants for Black-led racial justice groups, and another $70 million toward local grants for criminal justice reform and civic engagement opportunities."… -

"George Soros is one of the world's foremost philanthropists. He has given away more than $32 billion of his personal fortune to fund the Open Society Foundations' work around the world." -

"The indictment of Donald Trump shows what accountability of the rich & powerful can look like, and the role that progressive prosecutors can play.

As he faces accountability, so should his enablers — #BigTech companies."



Why I Support Reform Prosecutors… -

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