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Skilled with data and amateur research; interested in history, political economy, and world systems; grew up working class; Chicagoan🚩 @ampersoned.bsky.social

Apr 3, 2023, 13 tweets

Paul Vallas helped launch a far-right campaign against COVID precautions, Black history, and LGBTQ inclusion in IL Schools, in order to privatize schools

PART 2: The Receipts🧵

(credit: @cholent_lover for helping with research)

PART 1 covered the background

I packed a lot in, but I wanted to set the table for how these far-right astroturf groups work and how close they are to Paul Vallas

Again, I want to recognize everyone who's been on this beat.

Some of you have been covering it for quite some time, so apologies if I missed anyone, or any details

@JinxPress @ILschoolwatch @il_fps @duboo @behindthissky @amyqin12 @PetrellaReports @rap30

We all know Vallas "rubbed shoulders with the far-right"

He led a rally with Darren Bailey and Shannon Adcock a month before she founded Awake IL, which opposed COVID precautions, Black history, and sex ed in schools

4 months later they incited an anti-LGBTQ hate crime

And Vallas still hosted Awake IL on Dan Proft's show and attended their fundraiser

It's been too easy for him to pretend like that was a fluke

I want to substantiate those links: Awake IL was born from Illinois Parents Union and Paul Vallas was with them every step of the way

Here's how these astroturf groups usually work:
1. The CNP forms a national group

2. They send out a memo calling for the creation of local chapters

3. SPN-affiliates create state-level organizing hubs to form chapters

In this case, SPN-affiliate IPI had already formed Reopen Illinois Schools by the time the national Moms for Liberty formed in January 2021

And they'd discussed forming a parents union

So in April 2021 they rebranded as the state-level organizing hub, Illinois Parents Union

IPU members formed Awake IL later that month, which took the lead a couple months later forming Moms for Liberty chapters, which required 10 members.

So let's go back to the beginning. Longtime IPI organizer Kati Spaniak created Reopen Illinois Schools in June 2020 was joined by Paul Vallas

Two of their first activities were webinars with Paul Vallas

The parents union conversation started a day later

Paul Vallas continued to share his public posts, pass action items to Kati, participate in webinars, promote the campaign across media channels, speak at 14+ rallies between fall 2020 and spring 2021, endorse school board candidates, and lead the Open New Trier group

Paul Vallas promoted the launch of Illinois Parents Union in April 2021 and continued to participate well into 2022 when he launched his campaign and left the group

That was a lot of work and the hour is late. I hope you all get out and vote #BrandonIsBetter. Tell your friend who doesn't vote.

We have a lot more receipts, but I think those will have to wait until PART 3.

That was a big omission. Thank you @_KellyGarcia__

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