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Apr 3, 2023, 11 tweets

#REALYIELD remains one of the hot narratives that you should not miss.

The problem: finding one is difficult!

Look no further, let's deep dive into @array_capital.



What we will cover:
1⃣ Array Capital
2⃣ How it works
3⃣ Real Yield focused
4⃣ Its venture arm


Array has 2 strategic products:

• Launchpad, where projects can launch their tokens to raise capital, focuses on Real Yield

• DEX, where users can trade launched tokens (0.25% fees for liquidity providers).

This increases the initial liquidity of those tokens.


When a project launches an IDO on Array to raise capital:
• 5% goes to Array Treasury
• Investors buy 95% using ETH

The raised amount goes to:
• The project (development)
• Protocol fees (token buyback, revenue share)
• LP token on Array DEX


Array focuses on Real Yield which is a strong ongoing narrative.

Projects with revenue can maintain operations and meet payrolls in bear markets.

Moreover, Real Yield projects show competence over others since they create and share real revenue.


The Arbitrum ecosystem is full of DeFi projects, so what makes Array different?

Let's see a quick comparison from the @array_capital pitch deck.


Furthermore, Array introduces its $200k venture arm collaborating with @HomelessDAO_io

The fund amount is incomparable to traditional funds but it's definitely enough to bootstrap projects.

$ARRAY is due to launch on April 4th - 10th.


NFT will be the next lego to the Array ecosystem.

This creates a loyalty system that allows NFT holders to join exclusive IDOs (juicy utility!)

This eliminates short-term plays and encourages retention 👀


Arbitrum is now having bigger TVL than many blockchains, including Avalanche, Polygon, Optimism, etc.

Capital is in the ecosystem, circulating around projects that are sustainable. However, it rotates fast.

Arbitrum-based alphas are rushing to take market share.

9/ More about @array_capital:

IDO sale is set to be LIVE this month! Find out details below:…

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