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The Everyday American’s legal and investigative org battling corruption and weaponization. tips.oversightproject@heritage.org @Heritage

Apr 4, 2023, 6 tweets

🧵NEW: We got an ABSURD letter from Alvin Bragg @ManhattanDA today. He doesn't want to comply with the law and produce records about his communications with outside groups about the political targeting of @realDonaldTrump. #TrumpIndicment

Should we sue him?

Unpacking this response—it seems that Bragg doesn’t like transparency or any sort of business recording keeping. Keep in mind that he is targeting Trump for a records issue himself...

Ironic, we know.

On the topic of business records, the NY DA cannot search emails office wide?

The city is on fire with crime, and they say they don't have the ability to search their own emails?


Records from 2022 are on “back-up” tapes?! How convenient! Also, how often does the DA’s office delete records?

Now this one is even more sketchy. Translating this from lawyerspeak:

"@ManhattanDA definitely talked to @danielsgoldman about prosecuting @realdonaldtrump; we just won’t search where those communications are."

Here @ManhattanDA cites the Grand Jury as a reason to not produce records with outside parties (like his comms with Members of Congress). These records aren't subject to the Grand Jury deliberations. It's a totally bogus excuse, especially when they are leaking like a sieve

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