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Apr 7, 2023, 14 tweets

I am once again BEGGING the media to cover RFK Jr's bloody past, especially his involvement in a measles outbreak in Samoa that killed over 80+ children 🧡

In June of 2019, #RFKJr visited the island nation of Samoa with his wife. He was invited to the Independence celebration. However that is not all he did...

Because of his family legacy, he was invited to VIP access and government protection during the celebration. However, β€œThey were here for a programme that is not Government related [...] and were invited to be our V.I.P. guests.”

His real reason was visiting with antivaxx activists, visiting parenting groups and drafting a letter to the Prime Minister, warning of the 'dangers' of Measles vaccines. It was, quite literally, a disinformation tour to poison faith in modern medicine.

6 months later, a Measles outbreak swept through the country. Over 83 people lost their lives, most children under the age of four years old. The infection was so swift it shut the entire island down.

Robert F Kennedy Jr #RFKJr never bore any responsibility for this. In fact, his activist organization tried to twist the blame to the vaccines. This ignores the fact disinformation had already led to Samoa only having a 30% vaccination rate. This is important.

Tonga and Fiji both have a vaccination rate of 90% and when the outbreak happened (which spread from the Phillipenes), they did not have a mass infection event. Vaccines work. Period.

The other activist involved, Taylor Winterstein, responded by claiming the outbreak was due to 'poor nutrition' and continued to equate Samoa to Nazi Germany.

Since then Robert F Kennedy Jr #RFKJr has been continuing his antivaxx disinformation campaign. He notably has been touring with far right groups like 'ReAwaken America' and attending chiropractor conventions to push his dangerous anti-science agenda that literally kills kids.

If you would like to know more, I covered this in a YouTube video:

As well, I went undercover at an antivaxx chiropractor convention shortly after this story developed where RFK Jr was speaking

All I ask is that people please send this to journalists covering RFK Jr. The dead children of Samoa do not deserve to be forgotten. /thread

Apologies. I missed one last citation:

Oh hey one more thing... Apparently he was in Epstein's little black book (if it's real)

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