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Apr 8, 2023, 22 tweets

(1/8) This tweetstorm is mostly NOT my research, I'm just putting it out there for y'all.

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee featured a triple helix leading to the helical Tree of Life which stands exactly 69ft. (3rd strand DNA = 23+23+23 or 69 chromosomes).

(2/8) The f and i in Pfizer are stylistically joined as if to emphasize them. 3rd strand DNA would have 69 chromosomes (23+23+23), instead of our natural 46 (23+23).

(3/8) 9 years from the 1st Eugenics Congress to the 2nd, 11 years from the 2nd to the 3rd. From the the 3rd to 9/11 there are 69 years (69 chromosomes again), and 88 years from the 3rd to 3/11/2020, the date of the global plandemic. 911 and 88 connect the Twin Towers.

(4/8) The Twin Towers were designed to resemble twin DNA markers, representing the 2 strands of DNA. They also encode 88 in their footprint. The reason is because every strand of DNA has 2 prime ends, a 5-prime & a 3-prime. So two strands of DNA are 88 (5+3,5+3).

(5/8) Media and rituals also encode a connection between 88 and the Twin Towers:
"9/11 Heroes of the 88th Floor", "9/11 Tribute in Light" (with 88 lights), etc.

(6/8) On the morning of 9/11 they had Bush quote Psalm 23, and on the 10th Anniversary they had Obama quote Psalm 46. 23 + 46 = 69.
69 chromosomes in 3rd strand DNA.

(7/8) They collapsed the Twin Towers & replaced them with one that not only looks like a big vaccine, but also has a spiral effect with 3 sides facing each four directions.

This ritual symbolized the replacement of God's 2-strand DNA with 3rd strand DNA using nanotech.

(8/8) God's word warns us that this will fail:

"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." Daniel 2:43

Iron=technology, Clay=flesh

Extra 1:

Obama signed one of the steel beams of the One World Trade Center back in 2012: "We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger!"


23+23+23=69 chromosomes in 3rd strand DNA

Extra 2:

Support for the Twin Towers representing DNA is the Temple of Solomon symbolism of the WTC complex: Twin Towers as pillars + adjacent "Salomon Bros Building" (WTC 7). 1 Kings 7 describes the pillars as being 18+5 cubits high. 18+5=23. A strand of DNA = 23 chromosomes.

Extra 3:

The coronavirus was always right there in the plaza of the Twin Towers, as "The Sphere" fountain. 🤯 Thanks to @d3nyal for pointing this out!

Extra 4:

The keystone of the Freemasonic Royal Arch is Cancer ♋ the Crab. In the ancient Egyptian zodiac, Cancer is represented by the scarab beetle, the sacred symbol of immortality. The "great work" of Freemasonry has always been about achieving immortality without God.

Extra 5:

Another connection between the Twin Towers and the COVID-19 pandemic/vaccine - the first case of coronavirus occurred on 12/12/2019, exactly 6666 days after 9/11/2001.


Extra 6:

Here's how the 3rd strand integrates into the natural helical structure. Click to see the full picture.

Also, is the new Twitter logo also hinting at the 3rd strand of DNA?

Extra 7:

9/11/2001 is at 69% of the year and .69% of the 21st century.

(Scroll back in this thread to see the connections between 9/11 and the 69 chromosomes.)

Genesis 3:22 "And God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"

The queen "put forth her hand" to light the 3rd strand DNA leading to the Tree of Life.

Extra 8:
Remarkably, the Strong's Greek numbers for the words "abomination" and "desolation", from the biblical concept abomination of desolation, add up to the exact same number they gave us for how many people supposedly died during the September 11 attacks.

Extra 9:
The day counts associated with the Great American eclipses strongly hint that the💉was the "setting up" of the abomination of desolation referred to in Daniel 12:11.

Genesis 3:22 - "And God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"

The queen "put forth her hand" to light the 3rd strand DNA leading to the Tree of Life.

@threadreaderapp unroll

The World Trade Center had 2 towers of 110 stories each.

110 110
20 20
2020 (covid pandemic)

"covid vaccine" = 110 (ordinal)

2 towers of 110 stories each = 2 covid vaccines


2 punctures like a snake bite

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