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Apr 11, 2023, 20 tweets

THREAD Proof that AOC was right about Republicans denying the 2020 Presidential Election.

On December 10, 2020 a Quinnipiac poll reported that “77% of Republicans said they believe there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election. On August 20, 2018 Gallup poll stated 78% of Democrats said the 2016 presidential election was "stolen." So, which party denies the most?

In 2018, Democrat Stacey Abrams claimed she lost her Georgia gubernatorial race due to voter "suppression." She refused to concede. 3 years later, she told CNN that her opponent "won under the rules of the game at the time, but the game was rigged against the voters of Georgia.

On November 15, 2002, Washington Post interviewed former Vice President Al Gore about his election versus Bush he said, "I believe that if everyone in Florida who tried to vote had had his or her vote counted properly, that I would have won." This is denial by definition.

On January 6, 2001 several House Democrats voted against certifying the election results of 2000. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said in a joint session: "The objection is in writing, and I do not care that it is not signed by a member of the Senate. @RepMaxineWaters comments?

If John Kerry won Ohio in 2004 he would have become president. President George W. Bush carried it 51% to 49%, a margin of about 100,000 votes. But Jan. 6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., on Jan. 6, 2005, joined 30 other House Democrats in refusing to certify Ohio.

Former President Jimmy Carter said in 2019: "I think a full investigation would show that Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf." Why were Democrat politicians able to speak?

Now the 2016 election, former Obama Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson testified under oath that, while the Russians tried to manipulate voting machines, there is no evidence that a single vote tally was changed. Have Republicans like @KariLake gotten this support?

If a political party feels their voting system has flaws they have the right to be heard, the problem is that millions of dollars were spent denying the 2016 election in unison with Liberal Media and Politicians, Conservatives were banned for being vocal about the same concerns.

In 2022 YouTubers began announcing that their channels were being banned for simply covering the 2016 election Democrat denial. Why are the largest platforms on the internet able to push their ideas but ban conservatives with no backing, is this truly fair?

How is it possible that a conservative is eligible for de-platforming if they question the 2020 election when Democrats denied the 2016 election and set riots after the win? We can see very reputable sources and notable people that clearly state the election was stolen.

It is very important to note that Republicans had both members of the House and Senate object the 2020 election, something that Democrats did not have in 2016 and during the 2001 election. If the ‘Insurrection’ never happened what would have been the result of the objections?

On March 22, 2019, it was revealed that Rob Reiner, a man who might be the most consistent critic of Donald Trump, is funding the Democracy Integrity Project (TDIP) with billionaire liberal investor, George Soros.

- Click the ALT button on all photos in this THREAD for more info

TDIP is cloaked in mystery but more than a dozen interviews and determined that the group is implementing a comprehensive media-influence effort that included driving and controlling daily coverage of the Russia conspiracy. Why was this much money spent if it was true?

On July 25, 2016, Election Justice USA released a 100 page report compiling evidence of massive election fraud during the 2016 Democratic primaries. Election Justice USA, a non-partisan organization. Essentially, EJUSA concluded that Hillary Clinton stole Bernie Sanders election.

After President Trump’s victory in 2016, Over 70 Democrats boycotted his inauguration, with many “claiming his election was illegitimate.” Why did they support Hillary Clinton when Bernie Sanders supporters accused her of stealing his election? Where is the middle ground?

Democrats have been denying elections for decades, every comment in this video is linked to its original source, we can only be in denial for so long until we pay the price for ignorance.

Please Fact-Check the links in this video immediately:

DNC Links:…

The truth is, I would need 3 threads to cover about half the amount of election denying that Democrats have accomplished in the past decades. I will close with this 12- Minute video displaying Democrats denying the 2000, 2004, and 2016 Elections. I am only here to make you think.

I know you guys were waiting on an AOC THREAD but how else could I get all these Democrats to read this? They need to see the truth, I knew they would promote something that might get me sued, if you wish to donate to my THREADS I added my link below: ♟️…

Apologies, I see some people feel betrayed. This thread will be seen by more Democrats than any of my other Threads. Democrat Politicians, that means they witnessed it so what does that mean after?

You may not see it now. But everything I do is for us. I promise. #2024

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