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Apr 11, 2023, 9 tweets

Are you using #sections in @figma yet? They are one of the most underrated features in Figma. I switched my Figma component documentation entirely to sections and it has made a huge difference. Here's why:

#1: Organize my components: I can organize my components using sections. This creates a dedicated section in the Assets panel, making it easy to rename and reorder components by simply dragging the sections on and off frames. Same as a frame you might say. No, it's not, read on!

#2 Documenting component states and details: Sections don't show up in presentation mode; only frames do. Therefore, I use sections as a meta level of organization and add frames for subcategories, such as behavior and specs. This allows me to showcase them in presentation mode.

#3 Quick update on external documentation: If you are documenting outside of Figma, such as with @zeroheight, you can link to frames individually within your sections and update them easily. By the way, I use EightShapes Specs by @nathanacurtis for creating specs quickly.

#4 Component and frame names show: When I place components on a section, I keep seeing the purple component symbol, same for frame names. This may seem like a minor detail, but it's incredibly helpful for documentation and orientation.

#5 Stateful design for prototyping: Sections are also great for prototyping. When placing frames into sections, the design becomes stateful. Figma remembers which frame in the section was last visited and jumps back there. Super useful when dealing with sign-ups and checkouts.

Check out the full video on advanced Figma component tips and tricks on YouTube and the full Medium article:… via @uxdesigncc

#FigmaTips #AdvancedFigmaComponents

Or visit me on for workshops and premium online video courses. #DesignLearning #FigmaCourses

@figma Because you all liked the Sections thread so much I made a quick video version. Enjoy!

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