Tawanda Muchehiwa Profile picture
HRD | LLB Student | REDRESS Alumni | Bulawayo | Coventry | Winky D🐐

Apr 12, 2023, 9 tweets


How can @CCCZimbabwe be torn by a Twitter exchange when both @MakomboreroH and @daddyhope are not part of CCC leadership?

FACTS are:

1. CCC never abandoned Sikhala
2. Sikhala’s kids are going to school
3. ZanuPf jailed Sikhala, stop gaslighting CCC

2/9 It is public knowledge that ZANU PF controlled @PoliceZimbabwe arrested Job Sikhala on politically motivated charges, captured @NPAZim and courts are denying him bail or a speedy trial results in him staying 305 days in jail. ZANU PF is fully responsible for his woes not CCC!

3/9 @nelsonchamisa was denied to visit Job Sikhala in jail by the Zanu PF controlled @ZPCS_PR despite everyone else being allowed to allowed to. It is on public record that he attempted to visit Sikhala and was turned away numerous times. ZANU PF blaming Chamisa is gaslighting!

4/9 After Zanu PF denied Chamisa access to Sikhala in jail, he however maneuvered and managed to visit Sikhala at court numerous times.

He then engaged @obeyshava1 and legally demanded to visit Job Sikhala and the #Nyatsime13.
All this exposes @HeraldZimbabwe for heralding LIES!

5/9 Through his lawyers,Chamisa successfully got the approval to visit Job Sikhala,but when he got to Chikurubhi Maximum Prison, he was yet again denied access to Job Sikhala. Zanu PF even spread LIES that it was Job Sikhala who refused to see him. Zanu PF is a LIER!… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

6/9 @CCCZimbabwe legal department is working hand in glove with Job Sikhala’s lawyers with @adv_fulcrum joining the fight to secure Sikhala’s freedom.The only reason Sikhala is in jail is because Zanu PF weaponized the justice system against the opposition. CCC want Job out now!

7/9 On the welfare front, @CCCZimbabwe welfare department coordinated by @MaureenKade has arrangements to ensure Sikhala gets fresh meals every day. There is a team of change champions in the diaspora who assist on welfare support for the Sikhala family.

In his speech President… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

8/9 In his most recent press conference; president @nelsonchamisa bemoaned the worsening human rights situation in Zimbabwe.

He even wrote to engage @edmnangagwa over the Job Sikhala’s arrest and imprisonment.
Pres Chamisa unequivocally declared that Sikhala is innocent.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

9/9 It is out there in the open as reported by social media influencer @daddyhope that the state security’s counter-intelligence department is trying ferment fights in the opposition by sowing lies blaming @CCCZimbabwe for Job Sikhala’s arrest and 303 days pre-trial… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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