John | Detox → Weight Loss Profile picture
Natural Weight Loss for High Performers. 22+ Lbs shed, NO Rebound. 💡 Detox | Parasite Cleanse | Liver & Kidney Cleanse. Tweets are not health/financial advice.

Apr 13, 2023, 23 tweets

Constipation, oh constipation,
Why do you cause such frustration?

We try to drink water and eat our greens,
But nothing seems to break this routine.

So you sit and wait and hope and dream,
I now teach your bowels to flow like a stream.

My Story...

*Note: Not Professional Medical Advice!

One of the First Things You Should Do is Focus on Cleaning Out Your Small and Large Intestines.

Did You Know that After You Eat, Food Goes into a Very Long Pipe?

Your Small & Large Intestines can get as long as 20 Feet (6 meters)!

If You EVER Experienced Constipation to Any Degree, Understand THIS:

You May Have 5-20 Lbs. of Solidified, Rotten Fecal Matter that was Caked onto the Intestinal Walls like a Stubborn Layer of Cement.

Over time, this Shxt Adds Up.

You May Have MORE than 20+ Lbs of Shxt💩

Do You Know How Many People are Keying in 'Consiptation' in Google Every Month?

Over 300K+ in the English language. If we added up all the languages, the search volume will EASILY be in the MILLIONS.

Millions Around the World are Suffering from Constipation.


I Will Teach You How to Clean Your Small & Large Intestines. 🔖Bookmark this Thread.

I've done this protocol 100s of times since 2019.


- Water
- Fine Pink Salt
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- 3 Lemon/Limes Juice Squeezed or 1 Grapefruit Juice Squeezed
- Black Coffee

The Night before, finish dinner before 19:30

Next morning around 11:00 am on EMPTY Stomach, make this in Thermos:

- Add 1 Tbsp & 2 Tsp of Pink Salt
- Cut & Squeeze 3 Lemons/Limes
- Add 1/4 Cup ACV
- Add 3.5 cups of hot water. Stir.
- Add 2 cups of room temp water. Stir.

1. Get another plastic bottle with 8+ cups of room-temperature water.

2. Sip the water, hold it in your mouth, then take a big gulp of the Thermos solution in 19/ and drink it down.

3. Sip on Black Coffee (Optional).

Repeat (1-3).

Goal: Finish the Thermos solution FIRST!

THIS Protocol produces an Incredible Laxative Effect!💩

Keep drinking the room temperature water when the poop transitions from solid --> liquid brown water.

This will help push out all the debris stuck in your Small & Large Intestines.

Want to Fix Constipation?

Kill Internal Parasites 🪱

Unpopular Topic and Most People Do NOT Believe Me.

Did You Know that Parasites are Opportunistic Creatures that can make their way into your body through various means?

- Your Pets
- Contaminated Food/Water

Once inside the body, Parasites can Thrive and Reproduce.

Parasites can cause a range of symptoms:

- Fatigue
- Skin Rash or Hives
- Digestive Problems
- Bloating/Flatulence
- Neurological Issues
- Abnormal Weight Gain

Parasites EXIST In 1st World Countries!

Let's Learn...

"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories." - Sun Tzu

Tapeworms can reach up to 30 Feet Long inside Your GUT, causing Abdominal Pain, Weight GAIN, and Constipation.

Different Tapeworms:

You can find tapeworms in 🐖 Pork 🐄 Beef and🐟 Fish.

Pinworms are Nothing but Trouble.

These Pesky Critters Love to Take Up Residence in your Large Intestine, causing you to scratch your butt all night long.

See a child scratching their behind? Pinworms.

Liver Flukes are Parasitic Worms that have the ability to infect various organs, including the liver and bile ducts, resulting in symptoms like Abdominal Pain, Fever, and Jaundice.

Even if you're vegan, understand that Liver Flukes can latch on to Raw Watercress.

Over 800 million people worldwide are infected with Roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), which can result in a range of symptoms including Nausea and Malnutrition.

This parasite is commonly transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated food or water.

You are at WAR with Parasites.

Warning: Viewer Discretion is Advised!

This Bodybuilder was Experiencing Constant BLOATING and HUNGER.

If you are INFESTED with Parasites, Poop CANNOT EXIT.

The most effective way to protect against parasites is prevention, but natural remedies can also be helpful. Here are some natural herbs that may provide relief.

Clove bud has been a popular treatment for parasitic infections for centuries.

For centuries, Wormwood has been used as a traditional herbal medicine to treat different parasitic infections.

Its active ingredient, Artemisinin, has shown high efficacy against various parasites, such as tapeworms and schistosomiasis.

Note: Natural remedies and medications should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional!

Albendazole (Albenza) is a prescription medication that can be used to treat a range of parasitic infections, including tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms.

Fenbendazole is an anthelmintic medication frequently employed to combat animal parasitic infections.

Fenbendazole targets roundworms, hookworms, lungworms, whipworms, and certain types of tapeworms.

If you have 🐕 or 🐈 look into Fenbendazole.

Note: Not Professional Medical Advice!

Evaluate & Pick Up At LEAST 4 DIFFERENT herbs/meds.

Why Get So Many DIFFERENT Ones?

Different Herbs/Meds TARGET Different Parasites, thus increasing the likelihood of eliminating them.

You HAVE to WIN this Ongoing WAR💥💥

After you take these drugs/herbs, you will Eliminate A LOT of Internal Parasites☠️🪱☠️

Dead Parasites are Everywhere in your Digestive Tract.

You DO NOT want the Dead Carcasses just sitting around in your body!!

You MUST find a way to FLUSH Them OUT.

Scroll Up & READ 6/

Want to Fix Constipation & Lose Weight at the Same Time?

✅ How to Make the Salt Flush (Do This Exactly) 📑
✅ How to Drink the Salt Flush Solution ☕
✅ Video 7 - How to Get Rid of Internal Parasites? 💥

Begin Today👇🏼👇🏼

Would You Like to Learn About Your Digestive System?

Download my Free Guide:

THE No B.S. Guide to The Digestive System

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