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Apr 14, 2023, 10 tweets

Seyran revolt era -

S is revolting against everyone who once “enslaved” her. She reached the edge, acting reckless, stubborn, making mistakes, not considering consequences or planning anything. Her ultimate goal is to take control over her life at any costs.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

defying K authority, beating & torture, she’s braking free from K “chains”, it doesn’t matter if her choices are rights/wrongs now, what matters is: to decide for herself. She never had the chance before & that’s one of obstacles that keeps her away from F.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

She is not able to accept the circumstances of her engagement, the way they objectified her, belittled her and silenced her voice.
Her who always dreamt about freedom, independency and despised the traditions that oppress women.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Hanging up the phone on Halis was a rebellious move against his tyranny. she showed remorse later, she knows when lines are crossed & that shows S state of mind at the moment, hot tempered, not allowing anyone anymore to dismiss her feelings or bend her will
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

S reaction to “attempt of violence” was #YalıCapkını raising awareness about domestic abuse, sending the right msg to women, young girls & all genders out there, not let their feelings blur their judgment or settle down for what is wrong no matter how helpless they may be

by refusing to walk on her mother footsteps revolting against years of abuse from her father, she is breaking the cycle and releasing herself from wrong values dictated by society.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Resisting K & H is one thing, but she’s revolting against F too, defying him, her anger towards him ( from the day he chose her, all that happened b/w them, knowing his plans before marriage & raising his hand -the last straw) is consuming her more than ever.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Truth is all this anger is b/c despite it all & despite F flaws (S perspective) she fell in love with him. She’s angry at herself & at him for loving him in a way she never expected, a love “against her will, against her raison & even against her character.”
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

S is at a boiling point, all her feelings will burst to the surface eventually and she will finally admit and confess her love to Ferit.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Giving the turn of events, F who is not showing any will to give up on S despite everything, he’ll be put in a position where he has to stand for himself and his choices against his family oppression.

#SeyFer will be screaming their words forcing everyone to listen!

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